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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. You really been bitten by this 16th bug Justin...... almost makes you an affilliated member now that you've got more than an armful of them
  2. Your not failing to impress there John....they going to be stunning when they seen a bit of paint
  3. Well just to wish you all a Healthy and Happy New Year from here in the Valley, lets just hope that 2021 a better year all round, fingers crossed the shows start up again too but id be doubtful at this moment in time if we see owt much before mid summer at the earliest..... but where ever you are in the world all the best for 2021
  4. That's true Justin, an 82 would be a nice model in 16th, I not heard if the 76 is due for a re release, could still be a bonnet or two about for the 76 may even have the manifold and exhaust so if push came to shove could change a 7000 over to a 76, doesn't take much effort to swap the bits over. Yes opening doors would have been a bonus but I guess for the price it's a lot of model for the money
  5. Welcome to the dark side Justin I've always said that despite their inaccuracies if UH did a 7810 in 16th it be the dogs dangles and would sell like bog roll in a covid Pandemic haha
  6. Makes you wonder John, maybe theres a version out there with out it? or its a mis-print on the sticker and it should say compressor included?
  7. Cheers aye was a bit of a shock like after me and you had talked about that brochure.....Think she's already claimed the 804 though John.... think next one will be a blue Leyland for me
  8. Another nice find John just noticed on the sticker on the front of your original it states compressor not included but yet its in the set inside and the insert cut accordling for it....
  9. Well this was a big surprise to find under the tree yesterday off my lovely better half an updated spec sheet for the launch of the 10 speed 10/42 and 10/60 Nuffields that replaced the earlier 3/42 and 4/60, think i've found a good one here boys, Gemma's taken a shine to the 804 and is now feeding my habit for old literature ...... truth be told Gemma also got me a handful of other bits of Leyland related items as well a a genuine Marshall sunstrip for the 804....... but she did say that was to help keep the sun out of her eyes in the summer
  10. Cheers John, appreciate it, that 10/42 & 10/60 brochure come spec sheet turned up today, surprisingly Gemma had bought it as a surprise present for me.
  11. Two more recent additions thanks again to John (JMD) a Dutch Universal 3 and a Swedish/Norwegien 3/42, i'm getting quite a liking to having some of these foriegn brochures amongst the collection even though i can't read them The Universal brochure joins a fench as well as a standard english text version, so will have to see what turns up next year, Thanks for your continued help brochure spotting John, its appreciated
  12. Its good to relive your youth abit Justin, nice clean example you've found there two of the most vivid childhood christmasses for me would firstly be the year i got the superfaun potato harvester and the red and silver tipper wagon, christmas morning on the hearth rug in front of the fire, had a 595 on the harvester being puled on a bit of chain wrapped around the front axle and on to the hitch of a 6600, and on leading duty was a half tracked fiat and the 8 wheeled deutz both with the old blue tipping trailers with tops taken off, getting to the headland near the coffee table to tip and load the wagon with a 595 and front loader with duals on the back... was big time back then...and secondly was the year i got the powerfarm claas forager.....thin every tractor i owned came out of retirement that day...... had the half track fiat and dualled up deutz on buckraking, Wish mum and dad had taken photos i was as happy as a pig in poo...... Merry Christmas Justin and all the the best to you all for the New Year
  13. No that wasn't at the end of last year's tractor run John.... Aye let's hope 2021 is a better year. Then again it can't be much worse
  14. Well its got to that time of year..... Although it might not be as expected for most with these restrictions in place all over the UK and further afield, but just want to wish all forum members a very Merry Christmas from here in the Valley, some of you's i know and there's a lot of you i don't but whatever the coming festive days bring may it be good health and happiness (and maybe a model tractor)
  15. Your going to have to get that shed put up and get them under cover
  16. Well i would have sent you one up John but there weren't any left..... maybe Gemma would have been better doing 42 of them
  17. Nothing major to report of late.......although it's not often that i'd think twice about eating a cake..... but thought these were a nice touch, and really too nice to be eaten but i couldn't resist fully edible and filled with jam and cream, only downside is they were a bit moreish........ made for me for my recent 42nd birthday by my better half Gemma, and featuring the other major love of my life so only thought it right that i posted them up in here
  18. looks a clean tractor does that Zac.... your going to need one hell of a christmas tree to put it under though and i dont fancy the job of trying to wrap it either So whats your current fleet at now then??
  19. No bother John, happy to be of help, maybe Martin has a later version after the yellow one?
  20. Cheers Martin, mine are the old black and silver ones and the later yellow ones in the oval shape, just back home so will get on the laptop and find what I have. You're ones any different? Would say the black are from Nuffield days and the yellow from the days of the blue Leylands
  21. I've a photo or two on the laptop of Tipton's dealer badges John, I'll send them across when I get back to the laptop
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