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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. They looking good there John and that's without paint on them your doing one hell of a job on them
  2. The 272 looking good there John as always your doing a fantastic job
  3. Another little addition care of John (JMD) in the form of a Dutch Universal 4 brochure, yes i admit i can't speak Dutch but i have the English version so i can tell what it means
  4. Well that might be a bit easier John dependant on the age range your looking at, the centres on the 482's and the Harvest gold Leyland 4wds just had a flat plate rather than a curved dish, even the early Marshall 4wds had the flat plate wheel centre, i'm not exactly sure of the change point but would get you away, but if someones asked you about a JWD then you'd need curved dishes Your 6 pot looking good, would possibly agree with Nigel on the wheels, a set of equivilent of 18.4x34 would be getting somewhere near the common size for a 2100 but what that would scale back to in 32nd i'm not so sure Mr Woodhouses 2100 sat on 18.4's not the best of photos but would say your cabs at the right height
  5. Tidy job as always John, that 4wd axle be a bit more work but looks the part and working steering too then again we shouldnt expect anything else from you and your scalpel...... grand work, keep it up and look forward to your next update
  6. Looking good there John bit of engineering in those steering front axles, your Explorer cab looks great too, with the straight pipe she's looking like an 802
  7. Looking good there John, your definatley not lost the knack of the magic scalpel on that QM cab great to see a few Leylands getting built, even going for a full rack of weights as well
  8. Ahh well would have been a plan of sorts Sean but the 802 doesnt live with me anymore, its moved to a new home a couple of miles further down the Valley just before lockdown, to a lad that was keen to get his hands on her but meant i could release a bit of cash for a different project
  9. Aye id say so John, looks like Gemma has found a new home There's irons in the fire already for another once this lockdown is lifted i've a trip north of the border to go a view one with the intentions on bringing it back with me if everything is still as it was when i last seen it
  10. Sounds like you've a good one there Justin, if speed isnt your main goal then a 8210 will pull like a train, proper classic power house
  11. Had an hour up the yard with my better half (Gemma) as she was showing interest into wanting a drive of my 804, anyhows after a few laps around the yard she went to the top of the lane and back, seems strange seeing my pride and joy being driven by someone else, but i don't mind seeing its my Gemma but by the looks of it she's eager for another hour behind the wheel to get abit more practice in before hopefully next year and for a roadrun or show
  12. Aye Smithy i know the 10 car rule applies to tractors and farm machinery, but cyclists seem to have their own rules even down to being 2 or 3 abreast across the road in a pack of a dozen or more........all the more fun to get up behind them on the hills and give them a bit of extra encouragement
  13. Cheers Justin theres a few round here that could do with a slap.... but your 100% right about them needing to know their limits
  14. Cheers John, aye its almost like cyclists dont have any common road sense.........scum of the highways
  15. As said before time seems to wait for no man but thought i'd best have her out the shed and clean down of the cobwebs now that the clocks of changed and we are in yet another lockdown..... at least the roads were quiet apart from the gangs of lycra-clad scum on 2 wheels......its always fun to make them sweat on the hills.... hahaha
  16. Now then John this is going to be a thread worth keeping an eye on, i've no doubt that the progress will be good and the models you make will be fantastic, top man for tackling such a project..... the man, the legend, the dark horse.....
  17. Tidy job as always John, is it a blue or an orange? rope or chain? think most of the orange ones in real life left the factory as rope driven then the blue models had a chain
  18. Cheers Justin, Thanks for taking the time to post up the photo's thats interesting then, once of a day the MF200 was mentioned maybe in an old farm and site mag at being based on a 4.5 tonner, if the weeks is a 3.5 then its not too far adrift somewhere.... Happen i should cast a rule over Andys 3.5 so we can gauge if the body on the UH scales out right?
  19. Nice little haul there Justin size wise how does the weeks compare to a Britains MF200 if you dont mind me asking?
  20. Cheers John would say so, as for production numbers there were many more of the 10/60 and 465's than the fairly rare 384 Bray maybe as low as a couple of dozen and even rarer 470, i know of 2 470's Charnleys have one and Barry and Jack Garfoot have one also, Would be nice to know how many versions of the Bray Brochures there were, think the 1060 would be a stand-alone version unless printed in different languages, This 465 one depicts a MK1 but did they do a MK2 version when Nuffield updated the 465, Again could be different languages, and also the 384, again could be a stand-alone version, not sure if a 470 was ever printed, by that point of production they might have adopted Doe's route of just a black and white A4 copy as i can't see there being as much interest as at that point in time Leyland/County were hard at it with the 6 pot 485/4100 which again wasnt the huge success that was hoped, given the choice power and torque were miles ahead with the 485/4100 and possibly better balanced too but bray had a proven track record, just a pity they didnt drop the 6/98 into the last of the 470's
  21. A few more arrived in the collection this week, trio of 70's price/spec lists (74,75,and 76) a silverstrip 285/2100, a Marshall heritage brochure ( early version featuring the Leyland 804 rather than Marshall one in later version) a couple of Nuffield brochures one for a 345/465 Horndraulic loader and a Stay-dri Tip-Top cab which being honest i've never seen a real one of these cabs on any tractor.... but one to drop in the holy-grail catagory is the Bray 4/65 brochure, picture shows a MK1 so i'm thinking brochure must be around 1967
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