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Everything posted by robbo

  1. I thought that Norscott did the Challenger Sean?
  2. I love Helmsley, one of my all time favourite villages but I would probably avoid it for this one weekend, have that beer and then get back out with your camera, you have a job to do! ;D
  3. Report them to eBay, you have bought an item in good faith and the sale is a binding contract for both parties, you both have to honour the terms and price of the sale.
  4. I would have thought that this would have been covered under the individual manufacturers boards under the "what would you like to see from......." threads
  5. Bought Mrs R tickets to go and see Donny and Marie Osmond.............and then found out that the daughters had also bought tickets as her birthday present..................anyone want to buy any spare tickets?
  6. And chopping the end off your finger PLEASED you!!! whoa........ strange :-X
  7. I have just got back from the Lake District and it wasn't too bad up there but if you are going via Bicester you had better call on BGU, that's his patch..... :police:
  8. If that dealer boxed Renault sells for that price then I will be listing all of mine, I have got almost every version in dealer boxes with the exception of the dual wheeled version...............and I paid less than £20 for every one of them
  9. The guys in grey trackies are Metropolitan Police who are accompanying it the entire way
  10. For those of you who haven't yet been able to see the Olympic torch as it passes round the Country it was in Cheshire today and I managed to sneak a few pictures Firstly the advance party
  11. Whilst this isn't exactly tractor related .................this area is the old Burtonwood airfield and hasn't really been wild grass for a long time and hasn't been sprayed or fertilized, as a result there are a few lovely wild flowers Vetch (I think)
  12. The the following day the chopper team moved in
  13. Silage contractors moved in earlier this week, firstly the mowers
  14. I have had to leave a proxy bid as I can't get to a computer during the day today, we have got that oversized match they call the Olympic Torch in Warrington today and I have to be part of the escort team :-
  15. There are 2 by Springsteen that come to mind, obviously Born to Run and also Thunder Road. Born to be Wild, the theme from Easy Rider originally by Steppenwolf but I have to say I prefer the version by Slade from their Slade Alive album
  16. I like that 8) I do like unusual makes and models rather than the more mainstream. Where did you get the kit from please?
  17. Thanks Marcus, that's a fine looking example and very tidy for it's age 8)
  18. No.....skint! I for one am broke after two rather expensive months
  19. BT Broadband yet again > I have had no Broadband since Friday evening and despite several calls over the weekend it stayed firmly off. However, this morning I got on the phone and refused to hang up until I got some answers, eventually I got through to someone who admitted that they had switched my line off and couldn't explain why. I stayed on the phone for 38 minutes until they finally switched it back on again!
  20. OK I'm bidding on at least one item, I wish I had the money for a few more but I really want to win this one so bidding as much as I dare (without upsetting Mrs Robbo)
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