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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Not sure what happened I just know it is an insurance write off
  2. You never lose it Gav, ;)
  3. One of my favourite tractors * *
  4. The one of the smelliest photos so far, but apparently it makes the grass grow like nothing else...............pig slurry :-X The tanker is loaded through the top rather than being a suction tank
  5. In the recovery garage were a couple of disasters This sprayer was also an Insurance write off and going to auction but I don't know what was wrong with it
  6. Oliver you probably want the book by Mike Teanby, "The roar of dust and diesel" which is the story of International Tractors and the Doncaster factory http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Roar-Dust-Diesel-International/dp/1904686060/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331838337&sr=8-1
  7. aarrr Jim Lad you caught me out [ ;D
  8. Today's find was a Ford 6810 Generation 3 on wide grass tyres with a spring tined grass harrow on the local football field The last one has got my mode of transport in the background :police:
  9. You could always put a list up in the classifieds on here and see if you get any takers.............
  10. Oh heavens I had forgotten that one, either that or I had blanked it out deliberately......the trauma.........the shame....... oh well Aunty Sue will just have to take charge
  11. Make sure you get into the pub next to the Springfields Travel Lodge on the Saturday night, we will be the well behaved ones sipping babycham out of crystal glasses..............well...........at least until Sean and Tris get there and break out the Cider..................or Wil's girlfriend starts dancing on the table...............or Neils and Barry start arm wrestling for the last portion of onion rings...............after which it tends to go downhill..............
  12. Yes, Yes, Yes keep posting your photos KSP, it's about time we educated the rest of the mob on here to what a great tractor looks like ;) ;D ;D
  13. No full uniform and a marked car, not many people say no ;) :police: :police:
  14. They certainly did have a long trip Patrick, the driver did tell me they also have another team operating near Thirsk at the moment and I think that will be somewhere near to you and David.
  15. WOW John I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said.......but please....if you are coming to Spalding in April will you bring it so we can see it "in the flesh" so to speak
  16. I have often thought of starting a Plant collection but never done it due to lack of space and funds however, number 1 son now works in a quarry so I might see if he is interested in starting something................... (and he has got more money than me as well) :-
  17. Jordan in the second photo they seem to be ploughing ground that has been Sumo'd, I would have thought that was a waste to cultivate twice?
  18. Just a couple more for good measure : >
  19. It also wouldn't be me without a Same creeping in at the end : This old Silver 90 had a mounted set of discs and was leveling the ground after they had finished
  20. The topper was matched to a venerable old Massey Ferguson, nice to see the old girl still earning her keep. The old girl was working when I first got there but by the time I had finished nattering to the contracting gang the farmer had gone off for a brew [
  21. The bulkers were then towed off the field by a John Deere where they could then be hitched to the lorry units There were also a couple of the farmers own tractors and they are much smaller than the contractors machines
  22. They were then being tipped into and on site riddler to get more of the soil and tops off them before being loaded into bulkers Apologies for this one as the sun got in the lens
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