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Everything posted by robbo

  1. I spent the day at the Royal Horticultural Society Flower show at Tatton Park today and I have been persuaded to post a few of my pictures. None of them are ag related but hopefull you might like a few of them. First up the arrangement tent
  2. I love the bit where is says Model: dribble....... Order incoming..................... ;) ;)
  3. I am off to the RHS flower show at Tatton Park today, I normally go to Southport Show but I can't get there this year due to work commitments so thought I would try Tatton instead.
  4. Nice new additions, I quite like those Joal models. As you say they are a bit basic but no more so than Siku and quite good representations as well as being reasonably priced ;) I have got a couple of them already and I hope to get a few more in the near future, would quite like the Landini like yours.
  5. Are these what you are looking for? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRITAINS-PIGS-40966-1-32-BNIB-/330449354590?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item4cf050ff5e
  6. Hmm, didn't somebody invent something like this a few years ago........called it "pressure control" if I remember rightly and his name was......wait I'll remember in a minute...........oh yes Harry Ferguson. ;D ;D Hope JD aren't marketing it as a totally new invention \ \ Looks like a good day out though and nice pictures ;)
  7. It depends on which model you have an affinity with but the choice, as they say, is yours.......However, if you are after a 2wd 5640 then be quick as the last I heard they were almost sold out.
  8. Finding out that there is yet another limited edition Fendt that I didn't know about before, Barry it's all your fault, who on earth are Schroder and what was it in aid of? > http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390218362418&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123
  9. Forgot to say........as for tipping the trailer, the hydraulics need to be raised and then move the position control lever (the square one) to "constant pumping" which should tip the trailer, when you want to lower it , then move the lever back out of constant pumping mode.
  10. Aaron if I remember rightly the small lever controls the rate of descent for the hydraulic arms and the sensitivity of the draft control. The pedal beside it is the diff lock. If one wheel starts to spin then stand on that pedal and it locks the differential and gives equal drive to both rear wheels. Your modern tractors probably have complicated electronics and wheel slip sensors but the older ones relied on the driver which is where a lot of the skill came in. 8)
  11. Never had any trouble whatsoever with G & M, sent them an email last night and got a reply from Layla this morning. If you haven't had the model delivered then it will almost certainly be the postal system and not G & M
  12. I use Exel as well but I haven't figured out how to attach a photo to the list, anyone like to give a lesson on how to do it ???
  13. Thanks Tris, he actually died in hospital in this country as a result of the wounds but that doesn't make it any easier for the family. However, I think the whole country owes Wooton Bassett a massive thank you for the honour they have given every single member of the fallen who has returned through that town.
  14. I have a colleague from work who's son is in the Mercian Regiment and I have just found out that he has died from injuries sustained in Afghanistan from an IED (roadside bomb). He is such a great guy and it only seems to happen to the good ones. :'( :'( :'(
  15. Barry, are you feeling alright, I know a blue one is on the way but this is a RED tractor we are talking about :-X
  16. Here is a tester again for Marky ;) I was going to post this in the other thread about " what implements did MF make" but I can't seem to find it :( I have been reading a magazine and I saw this implement that I have never seen before, it is apparently very rare and only 3 are known to still be in existence, so have you got a brochure for this one? ;)
  17. Good start and I like the narration that goes with it ;)
  18. I really shouldn't sit in front of the computer with several glasses of red wine.......I start to bid on things I don't really want ......and no-one seems to bid against me........seems I am now the owner of a Steiger Wildcat in 1:32......... how does that fit in with my European theme \ \
  19. A picture of the show model is now up on the website, it would appear it is a Siku Massey Ferguson 5455 painted yellow and badged as a 5460 \ \ \
  20. If you want to stick to Britains/Ertl then the best are probably the 8530/8430 precisions but if you will look at other makes then probably the best John Deere model in my opinion is the Wiking 6930 (although there are those who would say that it should be badged as a 7530) \ \ 8530 8430 Sorry I haven't got a picture of the Wiking to hand, someone else might oblige ;)
  21. Had a trip round a number of dealers and ended up with Massey Ferguson 35X Industrial and also the new MF 8690 white edition
  22. Happy birthday David, just make sure you don't end up like this guy :of ;) http://latenightmistakes.com/?p=1465#more-1465
  23. Postage is a bit excessive, hopefully it is a typo :of :of http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRITAINS-FARM-TRACTOR-DEUTX-4-57-1-32-SCALE-NO-9496-/190407643571?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item2c552e11b3
  24. Thought you had forgotten, I should have known better really [ [ looking forward to the pictures now ;D
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