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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Thanks to 4055power and Rory for the reply regarding the Nuffield/IMT, when you come to think of it the front end is similar to the IMT badged Masseys that they made. I have a few other photos (133) some of which seem to be rare and unusual tractors but I will wait and see what Andy posts and then fill in the gaps if there are any : :
  2. Now I know that Marky or Andy will be posting most of their photos up later but this was one of the tractors at the show that I have never seen before. If it badged as a Nuffield but we came to the decision that it might be an Ursus. A close inspection shows it to be a 6 cylinder and it also has an air compressor on the nearside of the engine, could it be a Zetor?
  3. One of the things that Malvern is famous for is spring water which is filtered through the hills, they are quite spectacular and today the skies were full of hang gliders. View of the hills from the car park Then on the way home we took the scenic route and went up them thar hills
  4. Malvern show model MF 135 weathered efect and a Valtra T Black Diamond Edition
  5. One of the interesting and fun things to watch was a competition to rebuild a tractor with 3 teams competing against each other Whilst I was watching this team won, it took exactly 8 minutes from start to finish, engine running and standing on all 4 wheels, the longest took 11 minutes and 20 seconds :of :of :of
  6. Right, just got back from the show and had a great day, just to whet the appetite here is the FTF stand And a couple of strange hangers on who seemed to know each other, in other words Sean at his most polite and The Big Cheese aka Andy I am sure that the "official" FTF photographer will post up some better photos later but here is a quick shot of him in action ;D ;D ;D
  7. Just printed out directions on how to get to Malvern tomorrow for the first tractor show of the year. Has anybody else noticed how quiet it is on here tonight, all the noisy beggars are in the pub after the first day of the show :( :(
  8. I initially posted these last year but I don't think it has changed. These are the floor plans of both halls at Spalding so you can see whereabouts your favourite seller or display is located The Main Hall and the Small Hall There is a short walkway between them with a cafeteria for tea, coffee and snacks
  9. Errrrr good job we don't do numpties any more \ \ \ \ \ I have just checked and it is the March issue you want, if you want me to paraphrase it I can do ;) ;)
  10. Have a look at the latest "Classic Tractor" and , no, Valtra are a long established company although they have had a number of name changes. One of their parents is Volvo BM and the other is the Swedish Government. They may not have been in the UK for that long but they have been in the business for some time.
  11. I know you are going with the FTF contingent Mark but are you taking any machinery along with you?
  12. Ah thanks Alex, I don't collect trailers so I thought it was an obscure tractor from Uzbekistan or some other similar province
  13. At the risk of being thick, what is an MF200 \ \ \ \ Any pictures?
  14. So Alex, did you have to beat the manager with a big stick or have they managed to fix your car \ \ \ \
  15. If you are prepared to pay for quality then look for the posts by B O R on here, he makes some fantastic scratch built foragers but they have a price to match :
  16. I think I might already have mentioned it but I will be there on the Sunday........with Mrs R keeping a beady eye on my spending \ \ \ \ \
  17. Thanks Sean, it does show the release date as 5th May though, will it be straight onto general release or will it be dealers only for the first 3 months?
  18. My query was that they have it as a 7580 and not a 74.....have they got it wrong?
  19. I was under the impression that the new MF from Britains was going to be a 7499 but this site has it as a 7580, anyone know what the difference is? :of http://britainsfarmandcountry.co.uk/shop/ID3689_IC160001__1_32_Tractors_42501_Massey_Ferguson_7580_Tractor_%28New%29.aspx
  20. If it is as good as the McCormick then it will be worth having 8) Bas.. same as last year please ;) ;)
  21. The next door farm to me in the late 70's had a fleet of those and I always thought the cabs were a bit cramped \ \ \ \ having said that, I would really like a model of one for the collection if you plan to produce them in bulk ;) ;)
  22. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    I wouldn't have a clue how to make a decal Tris but it's a nice thought though \ \ \ I need Cerin or Sean to look out for the Cormac yellow version now ;D
  23. Two UH/Weise Deutz models, K120 Feick GmbH and TTV 1145 Ridders-Wolf from Udi
  24. Big red Valtra thingy, it belongs to a local contractor and I see it quite a lot, I will have to try and get some photos soon \ \ \ \
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