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The Weather in General


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Bloody freeeeeeezing here in the Fens... the wind is blowing like a goodun and chilling my little face  :'(

Should have bought one with a cab on  ;D ;

Bright here, windy and cold - bracing I think is the word  ;D

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strange day really, bright sun but cold wind.....then it gets darm and we have a 5min blizzard then we start again :D :D, has been like that since around early morning, currently just basking in bright sunshine after a 10min blizzard  :o :o :D :D :D :D

thats global warming b@ll@cks for you :D :D :D::)

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just got back from 5 a side....was fun playing in a blizzard :D :D

I've just got back from rugby training and was blowing a freezing wind out there, so much so that the cold showers in the clubhouse felt boiling!  :D The council's also out gritting, so will be a cold start.  :(

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there's about an inch of snow laying in Beverley now.

it was clear this morning but havoc just 3 miles away over the Wolds on the way to work - so I can expect the same later, with more heavy bt brief showers during the day - again !

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Reasonably good weather for the past few days, the temperature has managed to stay around 10 degrees. Currently snowing now, the weather forecast makes it sound like the snow will be gone within a few days though.  :)

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