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The Weather in General


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Well first day back at work and the big yellow thing is beating down on us here, about an hour ago it was showing 45 degrees nice and toasty :o

Could you send it accross to the UK Rob and help the lads harvest please ??? ???

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Could you send it accross to the UK Rob and help the lads harvest please ??? ???

Aye wish I could, Winter Barley is nearly all in up our way rape mostly in and winter rape already in the ground. Second cut silage was down and in the pit in 2 days before the weather broke on saturday. ::)

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great day here but goud conditions not to suitable for silage yet i'm gettin fed up waiting rain forcast later ,nothing great forecast for the next bloomin month  :'( :'(

Don't say that Stephen :'( :'(

Nashmach sticks his fingers in his ears and says lah lah lah dela

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absoulutly f***ing lashing 30 secs outside closing doors and im soaked to the skin  :'(

You are getting one of those pink flashes then - sun is lovely here if I was at home it would be hard not to fire up the combine ;D

Looks like rain though in a while according to the radar and according to the long range forecast not looking good for another 9-10 days >:(

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Innit funny.............ever since we were told of the perils of global warming, mother nature has waved two fingers at us and given us two cool summers. The last I heard was this is what we can expect for the next five years.

    Like I've said before.........its just nature compensating itself in a natural cycle of weather. Bu**er boy, I've been around long enough to see quite a few extremes of weather. Nothing like an extra hot summer or very cold winter to get the "Experts" pontificating.  ::)

    It's been so cold and windy down here in Sussex today; I had to get me woolly "Yat" out. We had a shower here this morning that was just like someone throwing a bucket of water over you. It lasted about as long and nearly soaked me. Weeeeeeird .  ::);)

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