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The Adventures of Marky and HATTIE the MF5480 - born 18th July 2009

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hasnt hattie got the quick block then mate?? thought she had

No mate... just pipes... I was a pauper when I ordered her... still am in actual fact  :'( :-[:D :D ...

It's £785 for the kit.. let alone the fitting  :of :of .. I'll carry on with the pipes I think  :D :D :D

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not really mate... although I have 'justified' the cost of the hydraulic implement lock to myself by the amount of times I change from forks to bucket.. and even bucket to nothing  :-\

Imagine if it's raning and Mrs F has gone out shopping or to get her hair done or something.... I'd have to climb down the steps and move the lever over myself.. not only would I be risking all sorts of tripping hazards, pinch points and potentially dirty hands... but I could get my hair wet too  :of :of :of

sod that I thought... so the kit is on order  ;D:P;)

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The hydraulic block is a god send in all honesty, you don't get the leaky valves like you do with the four individual couplings as the block takes any movement the pipes force on it by the movement of the loader like the individual couplings do. Also a better fit. All that said, your couplings won't get the stress like others do if it doesn't get taken on and off all the time. Hydraulic lock though, uber important!! Wise choice. Don't forget to lock it though, don't think the landscape gardener in his brand new dropside will want an earth bucket dropped on his van from 10ft!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I like the name of the farm you have been helping out, Mark... .. Lord Trumpington!!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Ooooh I soooo need that quick attach hydraulic block... I have to plug and unplug 4 hoses  >:( :'(

I have ordered myself a hydraulic implement lock today..... and a 3 point link frame so I can use my tines on the tractors 3 point  ;):P:-*

The quickie catalogue is deadly in my hands  :-[:D :D :D

hmm..................................................... as is a tractor & loader & a bank account it would seem  :-\

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Two video's for you... (don't get too excited mind you  :-[ ) ... First up... the Lexion in the rain  :'(


You can see that I've got one load in the back of the trailer.. I'm waiting for the second and last lot of the day before it's rain stop play  >:( :'(

Secondly... tipping...


Was just a few KG's short of 24t all up with this lot on-board

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sean if it's already wet then there's not much point in sheding it till it's dry mate .

in canada they leave huge heaps of grain outside when it rains the top grains get wet start to germinate & the new roots  create a waterproof cap about 2'3 inches thick, the loss of the 'cap' grains far outweigh the price of dry storage for short periods . then the heap is processed when they have the room for it , it also saves time when the drying /strage facilities cant keep up with the combine .

i expect you can remember the few piles of spilt grain on the farm , & when you took the germinated tops off, dry grain could be found underneath

as for mark tipping outside maybe he just couldn't remember the way back to the farm ........................

.................................................................................... after all that is tesco's carpark  ;D ;D ;D

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sean if it's already wet then there's not much point in sheding it till it's dry mate .

in canada they leave huge heaps of grain outside when it rains the top grains get wet start to germinate & the new roots  create a waterproof cap about 2'3 inches thick, the loss of the 'cap' grains far outweigh the price of dry storage for short periods . then the heap is processed when they have the room for it , it also saves time when the drying /strage facilities cant keep up with the combine .

i expect you can remember the few piles of spilt grain on the farm , & when you took the germinated tops off, dry grain could be found underneath

as for mark tipping outside maybe he just couldn't remember the way back to the farm ........................

.................................................................................... after all that is tesco's carpark  ;D ;D ;D

Not bad for 5am! :P:D

Tipped at outside heaps in America containing thousands upon thousands of tonnes of grain.

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They stopped as soon as the rain started Bill... we only went a few minutes and then pulled up.  A short shower is usually workable, but more than a few minutes of heavy rain and it's game over really  :-\

The video was taken about 5 minutes before we parked up for the day  :-\

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I guess that makes sence marcus we didn't have that big a harvest compaired to that lot , very few people did , so drying wasn't as big a cost , was also a lot dryer summers in those days to 20 years ago none of these long wet ones like the last few years , that was quiet a rare thing, dam global warming

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Well ladies and gents... boys & girls... Technically speaking I've finished this years harvest SADLY... I took a few more pictures and some video for those of you that are interested... I wrestled as to wether to put this in the Harvest 2010 topic... or in here.. as I'm going to post quite a few more piccies I thought I'd post them all in here... so here goes..

So... above it was rain stop play after just one load... the next day we tried again... and guess what... same field.. just got started... heavens opened... rain SUSPENDED play...

Yet another video of a wet window  >:(:-[ :'(


The law of sod says... we just all get home... and the sun starts shining.. and the wind if strong too... I gets a call a few hours later to say we are going back at 5pm for another crack at it... the boss decided to start an adjoining field as the gateway in the 'twice failed' field was steep and getting quite rutted... this would give us another exit for both fields... here's a video of the combine train entering and opening up the new field... I love the buzz of opening a new field, especially as I don't know them.. it's a job to judge if they will make it all the way around before emptying.. kind of... do I follow him of don't I ???


another one of the same..


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Another random picture taken from my cab as I sat awaiting the load to come...


As the field was so sodden we were instructed to stick strictly to the tramlines when not unloading and to take just one load of the combine at a time (to avoid excessive compaction)...

Here I am parked at the edge of the field.. the combines lights are on and you'll see his arm swinging out to signify he's ready to unload as soon as he's rounded the corner..


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Couple more random ones for you...



I've got a video of the header being mounted but I can't upload it for some reason  :-[

Here's a view from the back window of the header trolley... quite an unruly beast in the dark... through a gateway you've not been in before - if you think where the wheels are you have a lot of swing from the tail as you enter and exit the fields  :of .. quite a daunting prospect when you think that one wrong move and you'll stop the harvest for a good few hours  :of :of


Another day.. another dollar as they say (add that to the list please Tim)... Off to a new set of fields 70 hectares of wheat on slightly drier ground... the boss decided we can take full loads and gives me the best trailer with floats on it to reduce compaction...


problem is... I've now got to 'learn' this new trailer as you cannot see a bloody thing as it's so large... a lot of guess work to start with while I find new points of reference on the combine to judge the back of the trailer without spilling the stuff on the ground.. and this Lexion pushes it out of the unloading auger at some rate of knots i can tell you  :of .. incidentally... I managed to get 10.10 tons from ONE load from the Lexion.. but it was trying to bust out of the grain tank at that point  :of :of

View from the cab... minimal to say the least...


That aside this trailer is a dream to use... it tows wonderfully well empty or full... field or road...


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