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The roughest useable tractor I've ever seen.

the other green

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This 2130 wasn't sold as a salvage-only unit, however, it was in really rough shape. The range gear lever was broken off :o

It had lots of leaks and going by the tin-work, it must have had a loader at some time or the brakes didn't work.  :)

Show us your "I can't believe it's running" pictures.

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that top of the line for some parts down this way,especially on the moors mate

TOG,........ do u not mind a lot of scots farms having rough kit as a scraper tractor or even a daily run about?..................I`ll see if I can find some  and take pics , I`m not travelling far at the moment tho .....but yes it IS rough  and that was at auction?

Lots of hill sheep farms here, all they have is one wee old tractor somewhat akin to this one , zetors, old 35`s  , old mc cormicks etc etc etc , u get the picture .


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will yrt and get some next time i am up there tog,but as we all seem to say thats in good nick for us brits,most fishing and? pooere areas have kit like this,i think i know the one ihp is on about in cornwall,pretty much shaged but still useable

think i know what you typed here as Andy PM'd me the similar word.... :D :D :D::)

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heres a rough old bus, started from the slurry ramp every day,for scraper work, once running it's left running all day ,& it runs their 2 drum mower for silage & hay, the cow muck has eaten the rims right off the wheels so how the tyres stay on god only knows

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