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Steve P

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Hello all i found this forum by sheer luck and i had to join as i have recently re-started collecting 1/32 tractors, mainly Britains for the momment though i have a few SIKU models as well.

I have been interseted in tractors and farm machinary for as long as i can remember as my Father used to work on a farm and i spent many hours in my youth with him at work. I also collect tractor brochoures.

Currently i have 22 tractors in my collection and i am hoping to purchase more in the future, an affordable big wheeled County would be nice as i worship them beasts.. :laugh:

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Welcome Steve.

An affordable big wheel County is imminent, just waiting for paperwork to get the model into production via Britains. Glad you found us and took a moment to say Hello. You'll find plenty to keep you occupied here and keep an eye on the Events and Shows section for any in your area.

If you've any questions or queries, drop a line to a Moderator with the 'Here To Help' badge to the left of this box.

Go forth and multiply that collection!


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Hello Steve and welcome on board. Nice to see another Britain's collector on board. Britain's are the main models I collect and I have 676 as we speak in my collection. I have just posted up my last three purchase in the Collections board. So please get your camera out and let us see your collection ;D ;D

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Welcome Steve... as above... many thanks for taking the time (and courage) to introduce yourself..

Sadly... I have some bad news for you... you'll thank me for telling you in the long term as it will save you a great deal of time and heartache in the future... news is as follows:

Scrap any idea that you have now of 'cheap or affordable' when selecting your next purchase... for this will last for only a matter of weeks before you succumb and (for instance) treat yourself to a wonderful DBP Ford Country  ;D

Enjoy your time on here... if you need any helps please do not hesitate to ask any of us  :)

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Welcome to the forum Steve, ignore Lord Fergie, he wants you to buy Ford so there are more Masseys left for him, although I am not quite sure what a Ford Country is  :of :of :of :of :of

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DOH  :-[

One more fing Steve... wotch out four Mike... he piks uz up on all our spelin mistaks  :-[:D :D

Sorry Mike... it was early.. and I was... er... in a rush.... and trying to do 3 things at once and well... I just hit the wrong buttons and...well...

shall I go back on the naughty step again  :-[ :'( ???

On a more serious note Steve...

Take a look here (if you haven't done already)... Dave P is a member on here and he's a real gent as well... I'm never keen on recommending people as we all have different expectations... but you'll not be disappointed with a DBP... the man in a legend in his own field.


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Thankyou all so much for the warm welcome.

I have had a quick look through the forum and it looks just up my street. I will get some photos of my small rag tag collection though its nothing special.. :laugh:

Before i joined FTF i never knew Britains was going to make a County!, i will certainly be purchasing one when they come out.. :)

Thankyou for the DBP models link chaps.. They look stunning, oh how i would love to add a few of them to my collection!!, one day maybe..

Mike will have a field day with me then Mr Ferguson as my spelling is awful... :laugh:

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Thankyou all so much for the warm welcome.

I have had a quick look through the forum and it looks just up my street. I will get some photos of my small rag tag collection though its nothing special.. :laugh:

Before i joined FTF i never knew Britains was going to make a County!, i will certainly be purchasing one when they come out.. :)

Thankyou for the DBP models link chaps.. They look stunning, oh how i would love to add a few of them to my collection!!, one day maybe..

Mike will have a field day with me then Mr Ferguson as my spelling is awful... :laugh:

There IS a spellchecker on the reply page. Not that Marky ever uses it :D 

(I love you Mark, really :angel: )

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I love you too Aunty Sue  :-*:-*

PS... have you grown anything in that soil yet ???

... that Alex bagged for me!

Yes, I have used it to improve my raised bed and my crocuses (which something keeps digging up and have failed to bloom) are now greening up in that lovely black loam.  They think they are in crocus heaven.

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