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Give me back my Scania...


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Jordan, when I did my test it was ten cars so there is a shiny example of the confusion surrounding usage of agricultural kit! Check with VOSA and see if they will put it in writing for you to use if you examiner happens to question you.

As for operators not using certain roads, with big kit, large distances and especially contractors doing a lot of work this is impossible. Pulling over should be a natural thing to do for any driver of any slow vehicle, it is for me. The 40mph single carriageway speed limit for LGV's (which some tractors are free to exceed!) didn't include that clause did it!!

I agree tris, it was an article I found on the subject all advice on the subject seems unclear. Locally only large tattie gear is moved early in the morning or late at night mostly to get it in position for the next day but also prevent delays, most farmers though are quite willing to pull over where safe to do so. A local contractor even puts up road signs to warn motorists of slow moving vechicles emerging from fields and thanking them for any delays caused.

Some farmers never pull over and recently ended up in a queue of 60 cars stuck behind a massey with no trailer we went past several passing places without him pulling in so actually ended up turning off onto another road to avoid him, very few still do this sort of thing and in general farmers are very considerate with traffic in our area.

lets not forget the sunday drivers that never venture above 40mph will they be made to stay off the roads(yes) or pull  over ::) ::)::)

Fully agree with you nothing worse as they do not pull in and always speed up in the best overtaking spots ::) ::)

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Here is a thought on the whole "holding up situation"

I'm going from A to B @ 30mph in a tractor, you pull up behind me in your car, you get "held up",

Well my machine won't go any faster, but your car can, so when you get past on your way to B you will still get to B before me, you have made up time on me, But i still get there and get the job done,

1 of the problems here may be as simple as this, You did not leave enough time for your journey and you expect to travel from A to B in the smallest amount of time because these days people "have no time" everything has to be instant, you have to be there yesterday,

Maybe if people planned a little better for delays then they'd have time to sit tight instead of rushing like flies to fresh poo

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Some good reading in this topic  ;D

My Bit  ::)

If I'm in a tractor on a road and there is a que of cars behind me, I will not pull over, Why Should I?

Same goes for taking taking differnet routes to stop causing tail backs, Why should I?

As far as i know i have a much right to be on the road as the townie behind me, so why should I cause myself inconvenience to get them to there point that little bit faster?

We're doing work at the end of the day, and in this day and age, Everyone trys to get what there doing done the most efficient way..

So drivers who complain about slow tractors, TOUGH!

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I always pull over for traffic.... EXCEPT...

for that stupid old git who sits up my ar$e down perfectly acceptable clear overtaking straights because they're terrified of driving anyway... chances are they've brought their own ready made tailback to the party anyway... if you are not confident of overtaking a tractor doing 25 miles an hour down a half mile straight, you probably shouldn't be driving.... sit & bloody wait, like I have to when I'm stuck behind you in that sodding tailback in my car...

and, lorry drivers who are the first in the queue and come screaming straight up behind me and start pushing me along. Again, you can F*IN wait like you make the queue of cars behind you, I like to think of it as revenge!

Other than that I'll pull over anywhere to brighten peoples day... even onto a bumpy wide verge... do unto others as you would have them do unto you and all that....!

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I always pull over for traffic.... EXCEPT...

for that stupid old git who sits up my ar$e down perfectly acceptable clear overtaking straights because they're terrified of driving anyway... chances are they've brought their own ready made tailback to the party anyway... if you are not confident of overtaking a tractor doing 25 miles an hour down a half mile straight, you probably shouldn't be driving.... sit & bloody wait, like I have to when I'm stuck behind you in that sodding tailback in my car...

and, lorry drivers who are the first in the queue and come screaming straight up behind me and start pushing me along. Again, you can F*IN wait like you make the queue of cars behind you, I like to think of it as revenge!

Other than that I'll pull over anywhere to brighten peoples day... even onto a bumpy wide verge... do unto others as you would have them do unto you and all that....!

A shining example simon, why hold people up if you can pull over Bl00dy mindedness is the answer. I live in the country and always have done I have helped on farms from the age of 12 and if driving a tractor or slow moving 4x4 with trailer will like simon pull over what does it cost don't know if laws in NI are different but by holding up traffic you are breaking the highway code which could lead to action by the police. A small minded minority ruin the image of most farmers, willing to where possible to pull over.

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Here is a thought on the whole "holding up situation"

I'm going from A to B @ 30mph in a tractor, you pull up behind me in your car, you get "held up",

Well my machine won't go any faster, but your car can, so when you get past on your way to B you will still get to B before me, you have made up time on me, But i still get there and get the job done,

1 of the problems here may be as simple as this, You did not leave enough time for your journey and you expect to travel from A to B in the smallest amount of time because these days people "have no time" everything has to be instant, you have to be there yesterday,

Maybe if people planned a little better for delays then they'd have time to sit tight instead of rushing like flies to fresh poo

I could not agree more they use the lane near work has a cut through mainly work in a manchester and surrounding large towns they only allow themselves enough time to get to work has fast as possible
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A shining example simon, why hold people up if you can pull over Bl00dy mindedness is the answer. I live in the country and always have done I have helped on farms from the age of 12 and if driving a tractor or slow moving 4x4 with trailer will like simon pull over what does it cost don't know if laws in NI are different but by holding up traffic you are breaking the highway code which could lead to action by the police. A small minded minority ruin the image of most farmers, willing to where possible to pull over.

Ditto you, Nigel and Simon, I'll pull in even for one car if I am on a narrow country lane. I just do not see the point in antagonising people just for the sake of it. The careless attitude of a few is exactly what farming does not need. The view of farmers in general is not full of the respect they are owed as land wardens, food producers, animal husbandry experts, mechanics, IT experts! It doesn't help the industry to have people with a 'Why should I'? attitude. If that's the attitude to driving a farm vehicle then how far across the board do such attitudes stretch? 'It's not my tractor, why should I look after it?' 'It's not my crop, who cares how much goes out the back of the combine?' The attitude is anti everything for me. To gain respect you first need to give it. Start with the little things and people soon remember that nice chap who pulled over to let them by. I'd hate to find out the occupants of a car in the queue were trying to get to a hospital for either treatment or see a loved one.....

If I see a lorry has the space to get past, I'll still get tight over and ease off just to make it that bit easier for the driver. On a wide road, I hang over left so cars can see. I don't however, use junctions or bus stops to pull over as they are not safe or practical places to stop. The worst person is the relative of the person Simon mentioned, who is even more scared and hangs back by 50 or 100 yards for ages. They are the bu66ers who make the queue twice as long as it should be!!

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i was always told to pull over, even all those years back when there was a lot less traffic arround , common curtosy was what i was taught , it does anoy me when on roads that they know people can not overtake on, they just trundle along some i am sure do actually slow down, but if the driver does pull in i always make a point of pipping the horn,and rasieing a hand to him  as i pass, no matter how far back in the que i am, as a thanks to him, most do not want to cause agro to other road users, its just a job they are doing at the end of the day,

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Good points Tris. I always try and let those behind me off and if there are any people behind me on a straight I ease back and let them off.

And Sean agree there too. If someone lets me off I always give them a flick of the hazard lights. Similarly if someone flashs hazards as a thanks I give them a quick flash of the full beams. It is nice to be a courteous.

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oh well i diddnt mean to offend anyone unless its a technical glitch

i wasnt being offensive in anyway i was just airing my view if anyones pulled it off the board  :of :of

I saw it too and have checked our fancy time machine room and it is not there either - very weird!

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off topic now darn sorry triss your post

i wonder if u could make a P.C tower like a front of a tractor and

have a grille on the front like a ford massey ect decals and all to a P.C

anyway on to this post i was saying i diddnt aggree with some tractor drivers on here and there attitudes to other road users no-matter how we may make them angry we should always be responseble and drive with due care for our selves and other road users i will pull in even in a artic wagon on a trunk road to releave any build up of traffic it dosent cost to be curtious remember people can report us lorry drivers for anything now we have the

"hows my driveing" sticker on he back  another thing aggri vehicles dont have

with a screw you attitude to people will only make the VOSA come down on the farm industry,,would that be a good thing or a bad thing ....i some times think a good thing ...I drove tractors for 12 years and

if i could pull in i would pull (if needed)in i think that was a responseable attitude to have and i was 16 then

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A stark reminder as to what can happen to the farmer when it all goes wrong.

The comment from the scottish NFU covers most of what has been said on here.

Theres a prime example of dodgey machinery on the road, If that outfit had of been properly maintained that might not of happened.. I really think its about time there was something like a MOT for Tractors  :-

I know personally of many tractors around me that are in bad conditions but yet are still on the road all the time.. Trailers aswell should have some sort of test to check brakes, tyres and any defects in the structure on it..

I dont know do lorry Trailers have any sort of Tests?

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Theres a prime example of dodgey machinery on the road, If that outfit had of been properly maintained that might not of happened.. I really think its about time there was something like a MOT for Tractors  :-

I know personally of many tractors around me that are in bad conditions but yet are still on the road all the time.. Trailers aswell should have some sort of test to check brakes, tyres and any defects in the structure on it..

I dont know do lorry Trailers have any sort of Tests?

I know a police officer who saw the photos of the aftermath of this crash and they were apparently greusome, you could not distinguish what he had been driving from the front of it.

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I think there is possibly call for farm machines to hae some sort off MOT , but the lack off regulations has gone on for so long so the lack off maintance to the machines , its going to take a fair amount off money to get everything back up to a standard. On the pulling in front , the limited tractor driving ive done on the road i try to pull in if i can , although would be nice if all the drivers could show some gratitude  >:( . Although near enough all the tractors ive ever followed cant remember any ever pulling in  :-\  but its up to them , a few roads if you pull in its a challange to get back into the traffic.

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