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North East Farm And Construction Model Show Aberdeen 29th May 2011

Big A

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Well over the weekend at the G&M event at Perth I was networking with the punters to generate interest in the show. I spoke to one chap with a North East accent who told me he came from "Turra" aka Turriff and he had heard about the show from both Model Farmer and from the Chairman of the Deeside Vintage vehicle Club who I had emailed.

In addition I had a chat with Graham Burke aka Pentland500 on here and he has taken posters and flyers to display at the Lawrie and Symington Mart at Fofar where he is the "heid bummer"

Also a plumber chap and wife from Insch showed interest in attending the event so I hope they will spread the word around Insh ;) ;)

I saw others taking flyers so lets hope we have got some more interest for the show which will be all over 7 weeks today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It certainly is Brian. I don't know exactly what he is bringing to the show but I think we could be pleasantly surprised. Its the weeds growing out of the gutters and things like that which make it so so realistic.The only criticism I have is some of his door braces are on the wrong way but hey ho I'm just a critical person and I could never make anything like that.

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Today I had a journey to Perth but I took the scenic routes and decided to target eight locations with flyers and posters for our show.

I'm glad I did since only one of the eight places had heard about our show.

First stop was the general store at Fettercairn at the bottom of the Cairn o mount before Edzell where the proprietor said she would display a poster and a flyer.

The second was Strathcathro transport cafe where the chap took one poster and around 25 flyers.

Next stop was a general store and Post Office in Brechin called Denis's on the Montrose road run by Callum and Linda MacDonald who I know from the tractor shows. Again a poster and a few flyers for folk Callum knew was into models.

Down the road to Forfar now and in past to see another rally chap Kevin Brown who runs D&A Factors. He took a poster and around 25 flyers for the counter.

Then up to Castle Street to the Toy shop called the "Toy Castle" where the proprietor said he would display a poster...and that was before I bought a Britain's model and an ERTL one on which he gave me discount since older stock.

I then turned off heading for Cupar Angus and stopped at Balbeggie where I was able to leave a poster and flyer at the Tay Racers Model shop.

Just around the corner I stopped at the John Deere dealer Earnvale Tractors who sell models and left another poster there.

Then down to Perth for a carvery lunch at the Isle of Syke hotel followed by a visit to Perth Audi.

I then headed home via Blairgowrie and the Spital of Glenshee and then stopped off at Yules toy shop in Ballater where the man had heard of the show. Someone was in looking for a model last week he did not have but he hoped to get it at the Marriott.

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With the show drawing closer i now have the list of Traders and Exhibitors as follows:

Firstly list of exhibitors, mixture of Farm, Construction and Haulage models and Dioramas:

Albert Irvine

Andy Souter and Thomas Campbell

Andrew Stanford

Brian Fleming

Ally Murray and Jim Stanton

Brandon Peter

Ewan Cameron

Brian Stewart

Bruce Walker and Ian Hay

George Walker

Donald Fraser

Charlie Christie

Brian Gray

Gary Bruce

Dode Stevenson

William Moir

Kenny Moir

Stuart and Lewis Walker

Mike Taylor

Now the Traders:

Hamish Ross

Ewan Cameron

Stuart Duncan

Brian Gray

North East Agri Models

Tractor Sketch

Derek Forbes

S D Models

132 Farming Models (Peter Hardy)

H & I Supplies

Hobbies of Alyth

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earnvale are our local dealer its a nice wee shope bit they have

Yes Andrew they had a lot of Britain's John Deere's but none which I don't already have. The storeman brought up the subject of lorries and was telling me their lorry driver collected lorries. Transpires he is young Doug McNicol who's mother and father are coming to our show trading as Hobbies from Alyth. It really is quite a small world.

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Today the June edition of Tractor & Machinery magazine arrived and in the two page "Model Corner" article by Andy Ebbage the show gets a good bit of advertising. Many thanks for that Andy since I know T&M magazine has a wide coverage and is one of the older tractor magazines around so I hope it catches the eyes of the Scottish readers who are interested in model tractors as well as the real tractors.

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Issue Five of Model Farmer arrived today and Andy has included a 1/4 page copy of the show flyer. A big thanks for that Andy.

I'm sure Andy and Brian will be delighted with this as much as I am.

Only a month away this weekend and we hope to target more spectators at two local events.

The Grampian Minature Collector Club "swap meet" to be held at the Treetops Hotel, Springfield Road, Aberdeen on Sunday 8th May 2011. I have yet to get confirmation of times of opening.


BA Stores Annual Vintage Working weekend where I will be taking a tractor with mower and possibly a trailing plough along for a play on the weekend of 14 and 15th May 2011.

There is always a model tent and also Alan has a stall on the field as well as selling models in the store.


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