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Harvest 2011


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now thats a superb machine, really nice to see that working still, where abouts was that to? ???

Half way between Woodbridge and Grundisburgh in Suffolk.

If this works, she was in the field in the middle of this...



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just adding some 2nd hand info from reading page 13 John Deere build more combines each year than Claas and Newholland put together, and claas is actually 3rd in the running! Although claas seems to have a bigger share in the uk in the world it does not

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just adding some 2nd hand info from reading page 13 John Deere build more combines each year than Claas and Newholland put together, and claas is actually 3rd in the running! Although claas seems to have a bigger share in the uk in the world it does not

I can understand that, for example the USA are predominantly John Deere tractors/combines, Claas are under the CAT name in the USA and i wouldn't have thought they have anywhere near the size of share that John Deere would have in such countries.

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I think that's probably the problem - they focus on designing a machine for the US and Brazil Market and then try to tweak for European conditions. Claas are designed the other way round and hence work better in UK crops.

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just adding some 2nd hand info from reading page 13 John Deere build more combines each year than Claas and Newholland put together, and claas is actually 3rd in the running! Although claas seems to have a bigger share in the uk in the world it does not

Quantity does not equal quality, far from it. General Motors produce more cars than Porsche and Lamborghini put together, but I know which I'd rather have.  :P

Also bear in mind that European conditions are very different to the plains of the Corn Belt; different crop yeilds, different climate and so on. American cars are less popular in Europe as they are designed for the domestic 'Merkin market. Here they just don't work as well...  ;)


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Half way between Woodbridge and Grundisburgh in Suffolk.

If this works, she was in the field in the middle of this...



I don't know how often the aerial maps are updated,  but you can see that Dominator parked up, to the left of the clump of trees!

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Well barley has been harvested and baled and bales where in the shed by 2 pm yesterday afternoon, no pictures sadly didn't have the camera but when going out for tea we caught up with a contractor (simpsons) with their dommy 98s? or 94 cant remember now and pictures oof thta aren't the best!  >:(

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The local farm in Ellesmere (which runs the CX820 combine) hasn;t been harvesting anything today, though it has been a bit showery in these here parts...however I did see their NH T7040 going back and forth with a rather decrepit looking Pottinger grass mower today!

By the way - I believe this farm has gone from running a TM175 and 2 TM155's to a T7040 and a T7030...will keep a look out.  I haven't seen them at harvest this season so can't even say for sure if they still have the CX820 though I doubt that would have been replaced.

Edited to add...they also have an NH T6080, as I saw them go off baling a little while ago

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saw a jd 26?? working away today, along with numerous balers on the go, but the best was a jd 1075 (same one i think i saw last week) which had misjudged the gateway and torn the front righthand tyre off  on a granite post ,which was on its side in the entrance with a big lump of soil behind it poor guy was trying to get through into a field behind that which is hedge locked

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saw a jd 26?? working away today, along with numerous balers on the go, but the best was a jd 1075 (same one i think i saw last week) which had misjudged the gateway and torn the front righthand tyre off  on a granite post ,which was on its side in the entrance with a big lump of soil behind it poor guy was trying to get through into a field behind that which is hedge locked

gate hangings are a curse for tyres

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