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It was close to 1000 I believe including children Bill.

One of the layouts I hadn't seen before, indeed, it was the first time it has been shown. This won the diorama competition. Guess the scale!



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It was close to 1000 I believe including children Bill.

One of the layouts I hadn't seen before, indeed, it was the first time it has been shown. This won the diorama competition. Guess the scale!

The buildings are Metcalfe kits suitable for HO or OO scale so the scale would be 1:64 or 1:76 or even 1:87. Lovely detailing

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Most of the (very few) displays were well laid out and the exhibitors had obviously put some effort into them, but where were all the people who have been repeatedly wittering on FTF about needing a dedicated display section at Spalding, and more emphasis on displays and dioramas generally at farm toy shows? ????? Today has rather shown that there isn't any point.


I think it has to be said that whilst many people do like to display at shows, it is not generally felt that you should have to pay to put your display on show. The exhibitors at this show had to pay for their table rent, admittedly less than the traders, but nonetheless they had to pay. I know that this put many people off, purely on principal. If there had been a table charge with the proceeds going to a charity then people might have been more willing, but for it to go to 'for profit' organisation definitely put people off.

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That I am afraid is rather typical of an attitude I come across all too often - some folk expect to be given everything for free.

In most exhibitions, shows and rallies you will find exhibitors will have to pay a fee to admit their entry. If folks want to have specific areas for displays at shows, the space for which costs the organisers money (sometimes lots of it), and they want to show off their collections they have to be willing to pay something towards that.

If they are not willing to pay, they are unlikely to see any great amount of space set aside for such things at future events.

Take Spalding for example - what is the logic in expecting to have an area set aside for exhibitors to display their models for free, if there are plenty of traders willing to pay good money for that space. Fair enough where there is a lot of space and insufficient paying sellers to occupy it, but not where selling space is oversubscribed (which has been the case at Spalding sometimes).

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That I am afraid is rather typical of an attitude I come across all too often - some folk expect to be given everything for free.

In most exhibitions, shows and rallies you will find exhibitors will have to pay a fee to admit their entry. If folks want to have specific areas for displays at shows, the space for which costs the organisers money (sometimes lots of it), and they want to show off their collections they have to be willing to pay something towards that.

If they are not willing to pay, they are unlikely to see any great amount of space set aside for such things at future events.

Take Spalding for example - what is the logic in expecting to have an area set aside for exhibitors to display their models for free, if there are plenty of traders willing to pay good money for that space. Fair enough where there is a lot of space and insufficient paying sellers to occupy it, but not where selling space is oversubscribed (which has been the case at Spalding sometimes).

I think the counter argument to this is that displays etc attract more entrance fee paying members of the public to attend due to the broader range of exhibits on show. The organisers therefore recoup their costs this way rather than through the exhibitors themselves having to pay. As an example, I won't be attending any more Spalding shows as its always the same stuff every time and I'd prefer to spend the £50 petrol money it takes to get there and back on more models for the collection. However, I would still attend if there were a range of decent dioramas on show in addition to the trade stands as it would be worth the money (in my opinion).

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True, but I still regard it as selfish and unreasonable for anyone to think they should be given space for free :-

Whilst some extra visitors will come to see the displays, there will be others who come to buy and are not interested in the displays who may be put off coming because they will percieve there being less of interest for them - not perhaps such an issue at Spalding where there are far too many traders with piles of brand new stuff at a cut price, some of whom would not really be missed.

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Charging for displays is short sighted. The model club i belong to puts on displays for many charities and also some big commercial shows such as Race Retro, Ford Fair and Chelsea Auto Legends and any fees are waived. Race Retro bills us in their catalogue as a Show Feature and we have been attending that event since it first started. Beaulieu stages several shows every year and the club is invited to most of them - the exceptions are when the pavilion is being used for hospitality because we always have the pavilion for our displays. What is more the exhibitor passes we are given at Beaulieu also give us entrance to all the permanent exhibitions and the museum itself.

Any venue wanting payment is given a polite "no thanks" and in fact there is only one that has ever demanded a fee.

Putting on a display means the exhibitor is spending money but is getting nothing back unless the display is part and parcel of a trade stand. If you are not selling or making any money by being there but simply showing off your layout you should not have to pay. Table hire is acceptable if you do not provide your own as the organisers usually have to hire those themselves and perhaps a small fee to enter a competition - IF you wish to participate,

Off soapbox

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If a show wants you to display, they should let you do it for free?

If Mars want me to eat there Mars bars, they should let me for free?

If UH want me to have their models, they should give them me for free?


The show offers me to display at a show for a fee.

Mars offer me their Mars bars for a fee.

UH offer me their models for a fee.

I can see both sides to this.

The show is enhanced by having displays, and to attract the displays they don't charge for the space.

On the other hand,

The organisers have overheads that the display people will use, electricity, water, toilets, parking etc, which i'm sure they need some payment toward from everybody that enters the building.

In an ideal world, all traders and displayers would not be charged for attending a show, as they are the people that the puplic are going to the shows to spend their money with and view there displays, the more there are, the more people through the door, the more money they will take.

But, I guess that the show is offering a service for the traders and displays, and for which asks for a fee.

Now, i'm off to Mars to tell them that if they want me to eat their Mars bars I should be getting them for free!!! :P

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Interesting discussion. The organisers I believe took the decision to charge on the basis that essentially you were paying the entry fee for two individuals. I'm not sure whether this then included the 'displayer' and then two guests. It didnt seem to work too well regardless.

I think for a show which has been established for years and where space is a premium, the possibility of a charge becomes fairly logical. If it is being run as a commercial venture, I guess profits have to be maximised where possible. That said, as we see with Spalding, it gets to a point where you have to start balancing certain aspects to avoid people becoming dis-interested. I guess there are ways of softening the blow when charging for displays. Table hire for example which Sue highlighted is normally a cost which organisers have to account for. Similarly, some of the proceeds (after costs) donated to charity could also encourage more involvement. Its what some of the other shows do I think?

For a new event, I would have thought that dead space is far worse than loss of revenue. It reflects far more on visitor's decisions to attend in future years in my opinion, so to allow for an acceptable loss (on this part of the show) in the first few years in order to ensure space is filled, would probably work out much better in the longer term, for visitor numbers anyway, if its a long term venture of course. Perhaps its something the show can work on for next year.

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I definatley don't agree with paying for exhibitor tables at shows, over the past 7 years and god knows how many thousand miles taking displays to shows, its not on to charge, If your a trader then all well and good because your offering goods for sale, and usually take home less goods than you went with and more cash in your back pocket! Apart from entering into judged classes to stand a chance of taking home some silver ware, what else does an exhibitor go home with??? The comments and feedback and perhaps a bit of satisfaction that his or her display has brought a smile to a face or too, or brought back memories from days gone by of either real machinery or childhood memories from the good old days of carpet farming.

The Lakeland Model Farm and Construction Show has the right idea by asking if an exhibitor would like to make a donation toward table costs, its purely up to the individual if they wish to.

If PAY TO DISPLAY comes the norm then many will give up displaying due to the increased costs on top of transport,accomadation and food, and the younger generation won't help push our hobby forward for others to enjoy!

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The topic of displayers being charged is a very interesting one which. With Moira Show we have decided to charge displayers a fee for displaying. People have complained that they have to travel to the show etc and they shouldn't be charged to display. However shows don't run on fresh air.

There are costs such as the hire of the centre, advertising, table hire, insurance, barriers, lighting, etc. It takes alot of money to put on a show of any size if it is to be a success.

I have also been to other shows where they don't charge. These may be smaller shows which may be held in the Church or village hall. In these cases overheads are reduced as the hall may be given free or at a low cost.

It would be interesting to hear from show organisers where displayers aren't charged. Do these shows break even or make a loss? How are they shows funded or are they sponsored?

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I definatley don't agree with paying for exhibitor tables at shows, over the past 7 years and god knows how many thousand miles taking displays to shows, its not on to charge, If your a trader then all well and good because your offering goods for sale, and usually take home less goods than you went with and more cash in your back pocket! Apart from entering into judged classes to stand a chance of taking home some silver ware, what else does an exhibitor go home with??? The comments and feedback and perhaps a bit of satisfaction that his or her display has brought a smile to a face or too, or brought back memories from days gone by of either real machinery or childhood memories from the good old days of carpet farming.

The Lakeland Model Farm and Construction Show has the right idea by asking if an exhibitor would like to make a donation toward table costs, its purely up to the individual if they wish to.

If PAY TO DISPLAY comes the norm then many will give up displaying due to the increased costs on top of transport,accomadation and food, and the younger generation won't help push our hobby forward for others to enjoy!

A lot of good points made there Paul and I have to agree without exhibitors you don't have a show and well on principal ( not the charge ) I don't condone charges for exhibitor's ....but yes charge sellers who are attending to make a living or a sideline at the show.

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Re: Moira - I'm surprised that a small increase in entrance fee wouldnt be a better way to go. An extra 50p on every ticket would prob go unnoticed by most and allow exhibitors to remain a free presence (for the non-trade group). Was this considered and ruled out?

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The majority of the exhibitors are happy enough to pay to display. A small fee is nothing to pay for tables, barriers etc. If displayers were asked to bring these I wonder how many would display?

An increase in the entrance fee was ruled out. Try to keep the public happy and keep the entrance fee to a round figure. (£5)

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.... If PAY TO DISPLAY comes the norm then many will give up displaying due to the increased costs on top of transport,accomadation and food, and the younger generation won't help push our hobby forward for others to enjoy!

Not to mention the time taken beforehand - ensuring everything is packed for safe transport, loading the car, unpacking and arranging the display (and the reverse too). And the exhibitor is getting nothing back except pleasure in sharing the hobby

No way will I pay to display

As I said earlier my model club displays at Race Retro. That is certainly not a village hall event as it takes over Stoneleigh Park completely so the overheads are enormous (and it will cost you a minimum of £20 to get in this weekend)

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Is that £20 for the public to get in for the day? Or is this for the displayer? How many people will this show get?

What type of displays are at this show? What size is Stoneleigh Park?

This is not a toy show - it is the Historic Motorsport show with a live rally taking place. £20 is to get in the door.

Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire is the Royal Agri showground and it is enormous


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