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Hello lads,

Here my latest creation, a Massey Ferguson 3115 on row crop wheels. The tractor is based on the 3080 of UH. Made some modifications on it, such as adding a front linkage from Agriscale, adding the row crop wheels from Robert Peeters, and the main and minor details. (Chassis in the right AGCO paint, Stoneleigh Grey)

The frontaxle has been cutted, so the track distance is 46.9 mm (1.50 m in 1/1), so the tractor is going to be used in the pattatoes. ;)

Talked enough, now some pictures! ^-^




The front haulm topper is a building kit from Henry Selten / Farmmodels, and from the brand Baselier. This brand is build in a place named Steenbergen, 20 km's from my house. So it's really a product out of my regio! Together with the Grimme patatoe harvester this combination will be showed on shows! ^-^

I hope you like it, if you want more information or pictures, I will hear it! ;)



Lovely models Niels. Didn't realise you lived so close to me! I see you opted for the old paint scheme on the Baselier topper.

You wouldn't consider doing another model like that for me, would you? ;D:-*


A beautiful model, that Massey. The linkage and PTO have been done in such a tidy way. The row crops set it apart too and when hitched up to the potato gear..... Fantastic looking set up! 8)


Thanks for the kind comments!

@Niels: Is it coincidence? ;D Yes, I ordered the paint at Kramp Parts, but had no idea that this color scheme was the old one. Don't know if Kramp can supply me the new one, would look a bit more tidy! Well, maybe I can build one for you, but to be honest I am not very delighted with the result of this one, the paintjob should be better and there are also some small cuts in part, that I had to repair. I hope a next one will be better, ha ha. I will let you know when I have some spare time, ha ha. ;D


You already know what i think of it mate ;)

I think it would look great when wheve have the 3000's lined up on our new display!


Thanks again John!

Together with the new layout, including a pattatoe scenery, some late grain and a nice couple of sheds it will look really great, ha ha!


can i ask what the front linkage is off??? i have one cut of a uh zetor?? that seems to match the mf front linakge brouchure a treat, but so does yours


Sean, this front linkage is made as a kit by Agriscale, (a 'partner' of Farmmodels from Henry Selten). I know for sure, if you send an e-mail to him, he can deliver it to you. On my next 3000's I want also again this linkages, so there is plenty of interest in it.

I will send you a message with his e-mail adress. ;)

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