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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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Took the whole Udi clan to Beckley Farm today (basically a real working farm open to the general public) you can feed the lambs , goats, piglets, pony rides etc.

Well part of the entry price is a trip around the 300 acres on an open trailer, well we were in the queue awaiting the next pick up and we kept waiting and waiting and then word got back to us that they would have to cancel the ride as the tractor had broken down  >:( >:(

And guess what  :o :o Yep it was a little massey  :-*:-*

Not sure of its exact number as my knowledge of reds is purely for bonfires as you all know  ;):D

may have been 3050  ??? bit like a small 595 but with round mudguards and no cab just roll bars  ;)

I think the rest of the queue thought I was nuts laughing my head off as they were all pretty miffed  :D :D

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Well my brother called me from Alberta today ( I had lent him my car to drive out there and in Feb he totalled it) Anyway all his stuff (clothes etc was stiil in there) He was calling me to get the ownership as he didn't know where it was and the impound place wouldn't let him get his belongings with out it. So I called them and gave them the details and they said hmmmm we only keep cars 30 days and then they are scrapped. I was like what do you mean scrapped ? crushed into a small box was the reply what about the belongings in the car? crushed along with it was the reply, so I called him and told him, he was not happy...I said serves you right (he should taken care of it weeks ago)  :D :D :D

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The size of one of the local wild turkeys feeding under the bird feeders this afternoon...I wonder if someone has been purposely been fattening it up  :D :D :D

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I think this should really be 'what did you see that made you cry'

But check this out my little girl playing with 'that little red tractor' :o :o :o :o

She's sorted the Tim 4260 out  ::) ::)

Don't really want my 590 4WD conversion ending up like that :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


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:o :o :o send her to bed with no tea Paul  >:(:o

Please inform your daughter she has just been awarded an ASBO by the FTF Massey Massive  :D :D :D

Prehap's instead of staring at this screen I should listen when she's singing 'little red tractor' :D :D :D :D

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What's that Mr Chanel are you admitting you are wrong  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Do a smell something........... ;D ;D ;D

;) ;)

Me wrong.... NEVER... I thought I was wrong once... turns out I was mistaken  :-\ :D :D :D :D :D

THAT IS NOT A NUMPTY... Noooooooooo way  >:(:D :D :D :'(

That was simply FTF Debate  ;D

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