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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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had a old fella and his wife pull out infront of me today in a old y plate citroen estate, on the way down to st austell, at a place called tywardreth highway, causing me to brake pretty hard ,followed him down the hill(which is pretty steep) and along into par, where across the main road is a single track rail line which has recently been resurfaced, and being on a curve is banked at one side at a fair angle, anyone that usally goes over slows down to 20 mph or less in my case with the van otherwise most stuff ends up on the floor, but not this old fella, i recon  he went over it at 40 odd mph ,resulting in the car bouncing wildy on its hydrallic suspension, and leaving his back wheels i recon a good ft of the ground. he came back down with a hell of a bang, sparks flying out from underneath, and just carried on driving, no foot on the brakes nothing , not sure if he was to embarrased to stop, or just didnt care full stop, but the way they both just sat there just being able to look over the dash and doing that just had to be seen, dam well near wet myself laughing at it, the bloke going the other way looked just as amazed at it to

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My Brothers young ginger cat is a bit of a character. We found 'evidence' that he brought home a rat yesterday morning early, he's always catching and bringing it home but this time the 'evidence' was that he had obviously ate the rat, but not the break-neck trap that it was caught in, he left the trap on the doorstep.  :laugh:

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More what I heard really.

Steve Bruce on Radio 2 said to a studio guest, "I have bricks in my house that are smarter than you are".

Couldn't believe that he could say it live on air and get away with it ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Chopping silage at a farm today with drag chopper and as soon as school finished i went to cart for them, a tight gate way but i could negotiate it, then the boss came in with his 11 plate 7480 and took the gate stoop out, he then managed to get the gate stoop, DOn't think he'll here the end of it as it's the first accident this season (so far)  ;D

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next door but one have decided to try and rival bernard matthews by building a  huuuuge chicken coop, whether they forgot to clip the flight feathers or just didn't know chicken's could clear 6 foot fences i'm unsure, but either way the chickens had emulated Chicken Run and ended up in our garden... so i've just been round (with 3 chickens in a dog cage) to ask if they want their chickens back!  they were lucky Roxy wasn't in the garden at the time, (she was actually bouncing headfirst off the french door trying to get out.) I just hope they don't have a rooster that crows and wakes me up...

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do as i say not as i do in Land rover owner international.

the blurb on a technical article reads use eye protection, and barrier cream and a breathing mask and other such Health and safety esque advice.

in the pictures for the article, is either of the people wrenching on the freelander either wearing eye protection/ hand protection/ face mask? no.

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Just seen Barack obahma's high tec all singing and dancing limo bottom out in a gateway with a hell of a grating noise and a very rapid stop all in one go

Seen that too!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  Wasn't going hard enough  :D

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tough love from Papa Malc, (Mr Freckelton to you) told him i'd looked at the past questions for my exam on friday, and jokingly, that i might as well drop out rather than suffer the indignity of failing it, he told me I could drop out but I'd have to give him £200,000. all nighter it is then!

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Like his bumper, eh Josh!  :laugh: :laugh:

yeah! It was hanging off at one end, and i think he had been trying to show off because he roared up to it, and then braked real hard just before it, didn't quite stop in time and bang, just had to point and laugh  :laugh:

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My dog at training... humiliating, but funny.

We were partnered with a lady and her Staffy, called Philip (Phil for short... I ask you ::) ) and after Lucy rolled underneath him, refused to move and gave him considerable 'I'm available' signals, the trainer called her a little 'tart' and told us we couldn't train together again ;D

She also suggested that my dog was like it's owner >:(

I'm thinking of renaming my dog, Jordan ;)

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