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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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been on a customer complaint today, for a new luxuray house, that no one could get the cable into, had the builders out, well 2 of his crew, to dig up the newly laid tarmac driverway,  out come the tools they have with them, to dig a 1m square hole approx 40 cm deep once they got going, a wonderfull lump hammer, and a bolster to break the tarmac, and a morter laying  trowel and swan neck  bar to deal with thecompacted  803 ect below that ;D ;D ;D

calling them the slow crew was a understatement

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Watching the straw bale delivery bloke fluff up unloading his trailer. It was geting dark and he wanted to speed things along so he took a stack of three big rectangular bales off with the loader, too quickly, sending them crashing down to the ground. Luckily they ended up wedged between the farm gate and his trailer (in pieces mind).

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trying out google maps and type: From : JapanTo : America

[table][tr][td]27.[/td][td]Kayak across the Pacific OceanEntering United States (Hawaii)[/td][td][/td][td]6,243 km[/td][/tr][/table] :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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had the young apprentice working with us today ,we managed to drop a mint in in his bottle of coke as he looked the other way, just 3 seconds before he picked it up, stuff went off like a hose pipe all over his face and top, soaking his trousers at the same time, had the whole room in hysterics

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had the young apprentice working with us today ,we managed to drop a mint in in his bottle of coke as he looked the other way, just 3 seconds before he picked it up, stuff went off like a hose pipe all over his face and top, soaking his trousers at the same time, had the whole room in hysterics


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This isnt something i saw but it was a story i heard. Wiltshire council have just bought 2 new tractor and hedgecutters so that they can cut all of the verges and hedges that they have to do without waiting for the person they use to get there. They were shipped and ready for work on a sunnier day when someone discovered that the contracor they use still has two years left on the contract that they agreed to. This story just made me laugh when i heard it and also made me realise that that is why the country is in such a state. we just make a decision, stick too it and dont look at the consequences.

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I got kicked out of a contract with an NHS hospital a few years back (after I told the head buyer what a bent little worm he was)... I let them use their new suplier once before I pointed out that I still had over a year to run on my award  :D :D :D

right hand not knowing what the left is doing there me thinks

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That's WCC all over too Tommy. They're spending £12m to convert George Ward school into TEMPORARY council offices while they spend millions more refitting the proper offices. I say 'they', I mean 'we'!! >:( I don't understand why they have bought these Mogs over the last few years either when Jackson does all the verges. Just seems daft given the cost of a Mog, front mounted trimmer and sweeper demount.

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4 grown mem in landy in a confined Chunnel train being gassed by a lord ferguson fart , god knows what the people arround us thought

I understand that the Tunnel Police have got contingency plans for poison gas attack  ;) ;) ;) It involves rubber suits and cold showers  ;D ;D ;D ;D

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I havn't laughed like that for ages. It had to be the funniest 4↲minutes for a long time. :D :D Oh and the caravan we passed on the way to and from Zwolle.

come on Tris tell us more!! :-\ :-\ :-\ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Mark did that in the scooby on the way to the toy fair once....and it was cold so windows couldnt be opened!  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:( ........... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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