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Great Dorset Steam Fair 2015


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Finally a flavor of what makes Dorset different to any other show I know. It really comes to life at night and in particularly Saturday night with the Whistles at midnight







That's all from what was a fantastic GDSF 2015 particularly after the muddy disaster of last year. A big thank you to Mr Oliver and his team for organizing such a great event. If you've never been I'd definitely start planning a visit as it doesn't matter what your interest is there'll be something there for you. Can't wait till next year!


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Some fantastic photos here! I got to the Fair for the first time this year, after many years of trying to make the time and thoroughly enjoyed myself! I went with a mate who is into wood/logs/saws, so we watched a lot of steam sawing, which was fine by me. We only had one day there, so missed a lot of things we really wanted to see - the WW1 field for a start! Never mind, more days next year - it's only a short drive from Tiverton!

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Thanks for pictures James really must get there one year the Muir-Hill in the first lot of pictures made me smile as I used to drive one like that many years ago, also the Fair Ground models I like the one off the big wheel which looked like it was  made with K-NEX plastic building material as I have the same one   Thanks again Smithy

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