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I've been working on a Britains TM155 conversion and was ready to paint the chassis tonight ::) ::)

Sprayed it with Halfords grey primer and it's done a better job than Nitromorse at stripping all the Britains paint off >:( >:(>:( >:(

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Had the full details on the combine today....the cab door was completely smashed out, they got into the cab and hit the windscreen with a hammer shattering it. They have then damaged the ignition barrel trying to start it but as it has an immobiliser on it didn't get very far. They decided to slice the valve off the front tyre step side so the header had the full weight of the combine resting on it overnight, including a full tank of wheat :o They just nicked a few tools but left the cb and radio so we think it could be a vengence attack. Forensics did come out but they haven't even been visited by a copper as of first thing today >:(

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Got a call to go and wrap some silage today  :) On the way there just a few miles from being there the phone rang and this was the baler man saying the baler had broken down and there were only 5 bales made to wrap. Got there and the mechanic who was there working on the baler said it wasn't going to work again today as it needed to go back to the dealers workshop for major surgery. The top rollers bearings were shot and the tail door needs to be removed to replace the bearings. It's a Claas 255 rotocut for those interested  :(    A 40 mile + round trip for 5 bl**dy bales  >:(

Then my broadband went off,  just as I was about to post this up last night which is why it only went up this morning  >:(

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Got a call to go and wrap some silage today  :) On the way there just a few miles from being there the phone rang and this was the baler man saying the baler had broken down and there were only 5 bales made to wrap. Got there and the mechanic who was there working on the baler said it wasn't going to work again today as it needed to go back to the dealers workshop for major surgery. The top rollers bearings were shot and the tail door needs to be removed to replace the bearings. It's a Claas 255 rotocut for those interested  :(    A 40 mile + round trip for 5 bl**dy bales   >:(

Then my broadband went off,  just as I was about to post this up last night which is why it only went up this morning   >:(

Now why doesn't that surprise me - all of those are the same once they have a few bales under their wings :(

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doing a 150 mile round trip taking my other half to interveiws and not even a thank you or do you want a coffee when we got back >:( the joung pr##k in a bmw doing 40mph on a 60mph road and when I went to overtake the pr##k he swerves into the middle of the road so I couldn't >:( got my own back when I did get past him he ended up on the verge

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Had to take the case up to the other farm and bring back the jd2140, And its shagged, has 2 in of mud in the cab and it stinks to high heaven, the exhuast is onlt 1in form the cab, been bent, all the cab insdes are ripped out, radio and electrics dont work >:( >:( When the jd went up ther in march it was mint, nice and straight and the cab was clean enough to eat out of..... I started to feel sick about half way home from the damn smell, Im so peed of at the farm owner now, ive taken a rude looking 2000hr case and turned it  in to a mint 2400hr case in 5 months, And this is how he repays me, gives me a trash heap on wheels, How am i ment to respect it or him now?

Ok rant over, Thanks for reading those who did

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went to b&***** tonight to get my new drill. and the tool coral was shut as they are moving it to a new location in the store >:( >:(>:( guy said he would bring over the drill i wanted, till i pointed out i wanted to lok at 3 to which he replyed "i ain't a slave mate" and laughed, guess where i aint spending my money now

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Started to dismantle Mrs F's kitchen yesterday morning.... ready for her new one (being fited today until wednesday so I am told  ::)>:( ) ... anway.... I'd put laminate floor in the dining bit a few years ago.. only to find I put it over the old lino that has to come up for the tiler... some "bright spark" had "spot welded" it to the floor... it came up in pieces no bigger than a 50p all the way  :'( :'(

Then to top it all... the tiles were also stuck down woth the same glue I reckon  >:( :'( - spent the whole day and evening doing a job that should have taken a couple of hours from start to finish  >:(

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Started to dismantle Mrs F's kitchen yesterday morning.... ready for her new one (being fited today until wednesday so I am told  ::)>:( ) ... anway.... I'd put laminate floor in the dining bit a few years ago.. only to find I put it over the old lino that has to come up for the tiler... some "bright spark" had "spot welded" it to the floor... it came up in pieces no bigger than a 50p all the way  :'( :'(

Then to top it all... the tiles were also stuck down woth the same glue I reckon  >:( :'( - spent the whole day and evening doing a job that should have taken a couple of hours from start to finish  >:(

Had you done something to annoy Mrs F Marky :o

That sounds like a punishment to me :D

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got back from a week break to find 11 unread pages....god you guys go on :D :D.....i expect most of it is dribble :D :D ::)

100 odd emails.... mostly crap or some t!t trying to get me to log in to an account i've never had somewhere :D :D :D::)

Weather no different so thats good!

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better to get one there rather then on the road mate ;)

Yeah, at least the spare had wind in it too and all the locking nut key and everything was there. Not so good when the frozen stuff in the shopping is defrosting though ::)

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at least you know the locking wheel nut works, is the spare storred underneath it on one of those winch sytems?

yeah and it certainly is, luckily I had an L200 a few years back with the same system so knew how it all worked :D

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