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What really annoyed you today

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One of my biggest pet hates is text talk. If I was to ever appear on the program Room 101 it would be first in line to dissapear into it's murky bowels followed very closely by reality TV shows. Now admittedly it means I tend to take more than a day to send a text message and that's before i've proof read it, which is why I ring people 99.9% of the time rather than text.

My specific frustration though relating to all of this is a response to a status update made by somone I know on a friend's facebook page, which was littered with text talk I could barely translate and on more than one occasion the word 'of' spelt 'ov'......What is the world coming to!

David? I think I love you! :D I do have to admit to using it in text messages to get as much said in a single text as possible. I do however fail to see the point on social networking sites, email, penned notes. . . HERE! when free space and a bloody keyboard are there to use.

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David? I think I love you! :D I do have to admit to using it in text messages to get as much said in a single text as possible. I do however fail to see the point on social networking sites, email, penned notes. . . HERE! when free space and a bloody keyboard are there to use.

After admitting to my underlying frustration over the inappropriate use of text talk,  i've taken my curiosity one stage further and spent the last half hour trawling through an online text talk abbreviation dictionary. I can catergorically say it was one of the most horrifying if slightly amusing experiences of my life.

In response to your opening statement Tris, firstly what would Traci think and secondly I have feelings for a MOOS unfortunatley. Which the dictionary reliably informs me stands for "Member Of the Opposite Sex."...... :)

And what on earth is a ROFLCOPTER? It's certainly isn't an ingenious new flying device I thought someone was telling me about. No in fact it stands for "Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Spinning Around." Which unless i've overfed myself on the amber nectar i've never experienced that before in my regular day to day rituals!

But my personal favourite just has to be....NSISR, which stands for "Not Sure If Spelled If Right"

Quite frankly @TEOTD ( "At The End Of The Day" ) none of this is right if you have to start spelling words with numerical characters and reduce famous mottos such as "One For All, All For One" to something that resembles a barcode....14AA41, or be blatantly daft enough replace the 'F' in of with a 'V' and repeat it several times on a social networking site for all and sundry to see.

Rant over, must be off, I'm taking a MOOS out for tea.  ;) 

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had a slight accident today with 10l of white silk paint >:( >:(  turned arround and stood in the pot, pete(stepdaughters fella) moved it while i was paining part of the ceiling, but didnt get time to tell me >:(  funny now i must admit wasnt at the time with a left foot covered way over my ankle and my trainer to

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was on my way home from Mum's tonight coming through one of the villages on the 25 mile journey when could see blue flashing lights in the distance, turned out to be a house fully decorated up with fairy lights and blue net lights for Christmas......far too early >:(

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had a slight accident today with 10l of white silk paint >:( >:(  turned arround and stood in the pot, pete(stepdaughters fella) moved it while i was paining part of the ceiling, but didnt get time to tell me >:(  funny now i must admit wasnt at the time with a left foot covered way over my ankle and my trainer to

Careful Sean you may be turning into a cat - have we not heard this story before????

If you discover a long tail appearing from your jeans (the back ;) ) don't be surprised will you?!!! ;D

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Tris - read the above posts - I don't think you can avoid a numpty for this, mine was dangerously close but yours ....... :)

. . . . . is void. You implied something, I questioned the possibility. No further questions, case thrown out ;D

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cor they would have to be desperate to do owt to you murray :D :D :D :D :D :D  r

seriously mind,at least you know it, rather than find out the following day

tell me about it  :D :D :D :D i still feel bad today  :-\ :-\ only thing that worries me that it was a boy who done it  ??? ??? ??? ??? i never knew i set that kind of appeal  :D should i be worried  :o

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