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What really annoyed you today

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Back in the summer I had loads of soot fall down my chimney for no apprant reason...to clear up the mess I had to remove my fireplace ::) and I sealed up the opening with black plastic in case anymore came down ;)

Today I thought it was about time I refitted the fireplace and on removing the plastic I found a dead pigeon >:( >:( :'( :'(

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Back in the summer I had loads of soot fall down my chimney for no apprant reason...to clear up the mess I had to remove my fireplace ::) and I sealed up the opening with black plastic in case anymore came down ;)

Today I thought it was about time I refitted the fireplace and on removing the plastic I found a dead pigeon >:( >:( :'( :'(

For some reason **** Dastardly and Muttley come to mind .......

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For some reason **** Dastardly and Muttley come to mind .......

thats strange i have just been watching that. ???

but what realy annoyed me was, this morning i didn't wake up till 10 o'clock wich was fine i wasn't doing much until i walked down stairs to find my dad nearly crying and my mum in tears. i asked what was up and i am starting to wish i hadn't, my dad has just lost his uncle to cancer about 3 weeks ago(it was my dad's, dad's brother) my dad told me that my grandad(my dads dad) had cancer :-\ >:( :'(  + i found a dead cat on the side of the road :-[

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Harvey - I can tell this has made you feel very sad and scared. Cancer is a horrible thing. You have to think of what the person who has died meant to you when they were alive and feel good about that. It's very weird that you should find a dead cat as well - quite creepy. Try and be a support to those in your family that are sad at the moment - they will appreciate you for this, perhaps not now but later on when things are not as bad.

Also, share how you feel on the forum - there are people here that really care - like a family really. I have found this very helpful when bad things have happened to me, I am sure you will too. Best wishes from Jo.

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Well very brave and courages of you to share on here Harvey, everyone I know will be supporting you on here.....It won't take the pain away or change things but at least you know your not alone......You got a big family here to lean on during these hard times.......

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chin up harvey, i am going through similar at the moment with my stepdad, its always good to talk if you can, certainly dont bottle it all up. and remember as my mum said, the doctors told them a good majority of cancers can be treated succesfully now, so look on the brightside and think positive

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Oh Harvey... that must be awful buddy.  Wise words from Aunty Jo and Uncle Sean (yuck... who'd want him as your uncle hey !) ... anyway... if you need to talk then you know where we are mate.

Come on here as much as you can to take your mind off things... and think positive thoughts at all times if you can.

We are all mates together on here and we'll be thinking of you  ;)

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feeling severly unwell with a cold? or flu aint sure, heads thumping, and my arms and legs feel like i am dragging a set of lead weights arround on them, throat feels like i have had a belt sander run over it to

Glad I aren't the only one Sean, had to come home from work at lunch time because of it before I had an accident :-\

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feeling severly unwell with a cold? or flu aint sure, heads thumping, and my arms and legs feel like i am dragging a set of lead weights arround on them, throat feels like i have had a belt sander run over it to

Be carefull mate - sounds very like swine flu to me :(

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