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What really annoyed you today

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    Last evening actually. Doctor's scales, had to look round and check i was the only one standing on it. 

    This morning got about quarter of a mile down the road, the car coughs an splutters a bit, then all but gives up. Limped it back, rang Peugeot, got the usuall ring the AA. Out comes man in van with laptop. Fault codes cleared and all seems fine now.

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just spent 20 mins on the phone to hsbc after a call saying my card details have been comprimised along with a batch of others, now have no debit card for 5 - 7 days inc the without the bank holiday in that, and 5 months state,ments being sent to me to check through for anything iffy???? wont say when it was cloned, but i did wonder why mu ballance was low last month, asking questions about transactins abroad last month now????

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I had similar with Barclays about 6 weeks ago only they were more on the ball and had blocked the first iffy transaction and the card number from being used along with the online banking service as well. Made things awkward but at least it shows they do monitor usage and nothing was lost

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i know gav, will be 5 - 7 days for the card which is bloody anoying more, especially as a week monday i am away for a week, in the uk to, so if its not arrived than???? guess shes paying for fuel etc as i cant draw any money out

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I ordered a bearing for a massey Tractor transmission Last Thursday It was supposed to be air freighted ( at twice the cost of the bearing >:( ) from some hole like Afghanistan as it was the only place in the world that had one ::) . It was supposed to be in our dealers today. Guess what it's not  there and they dont Know when they will get it. well done Agco >:( .

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well its 10:14 am on the day of the UK general election, and people have already started making up "political facts" on facebook.... really cheesing me off, as they're not only wrong but they haven't read the relevant part  of any parties manifesto....

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dropped a  girder on my knee and foot :'( ... ouch  it bloody hurt :-[    my toes are twice the size now and me nails are black.. well cheesed off as could have been avoided

Yes that does sound painfull I had a jcb 3c cylinder fall out of a vice and landed behind the steel toe cap on my work boot. I know where you are comming from on the pain but just think your self lucky you still have a foot and toes. ;) ! good luck with it it will hurt for a good few days. I limped for about a month and it still bugs me on odd days 10 years later.

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Harry has another cold, keeping us up most nights last week, and with getting up to go to London, sleep has been lacking.....so now i have a cold!!  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

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I had similar with Barclays about 6 weeks ago only they were more on the ball and had blocked the first iffy transaction and the card number from being used along with the online banking service as well. Made things awkward but at least it shows they do monitor usage and nothing was lost

ditto except with me credit card, now, I had flights booked on it, but the payment has been canceled by the bank, but i look up my bookin ref and all is still booked and no emails arrived concerning, Have I just got free flights or should a ring up and explain ha ha!?

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Now having to take 14 tablets a day now, I'll rattle more than a mini metro gearbox ::)

Look on the bright side Mark you won't rust away as quickly as one of those Metro's. Seriously though Mark that is o lot of pills to have to take but I guess your GP knows best.

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