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What really annoyed you today

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I really shouldn't sit in front of the computer with several glasses of red wine.......I start to bid on things I don't really want ......and no-one seems to bid against me........seems I am now the owner of a Steiger Wildcat in 1:32......... how does that fit in with my European theme :-\ :-\

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got stiched up today at work by one of my workmates who is away on lodge up bristol

he went to look at a job last week for the boarders agency in the docks in plymouth, and decided that the way the planner had done the job was wrong, and replaned it himself to suit him, minimum work max time to do what he wantedm however he got it wrong and left me to pick the peices up, and sort the horrible mess that he left behind, customers gone to the board with a complaint as bt charged them 6 k for this new fibre route and he never provided it, due to the location we had to do a rush job which resulted in opening a box when we shouldn't have, and having to take another customers fibre down  ,which is a major no no, and rushing to get done as the on site contractors moving all the kit ahd started and we had no choice, all hells broken loose at work now from it, ended up turning my mobile of we were getting that many calls about it all, and they have even tried my home number this eve its that serious now

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just been rung by the boss, and told i will be working tommorrow on overtime, due to a cable fault in town ,and yes they can now make me work ot despite me having stuff on, only way out is a proper familly do or holiday ,buggers can do it any time they want  >:( >:(>:(  and my lovely union agreed to this and the new long hour patterns to keep the jobs safe for the over 60's who want to keep working, rather than think of the younger guys and there home lifes, needless to say i won't be bustinga gut to get much done tommorrow now

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just been rung by the boss, and told i will be working tommorrow on overtime, due to a cable fault in town ,and yes they can now make me work ot despite me having stuff on, only way out is a proper familly do or holiday ,buggers can do it any time they want  >:( >:(>:(  and my lovely union agreed to this and the new long hour patterns to keep the jobs safe for the over 60's who want to keep working, rather than think of the younger guys and there home lifes, needless to say i won't be bustinga gut to get much done tommorrow now

well mate.. I'd be over the legal driving limit if I were you... or can they control your private life as well for that mater.  Either that or develop stress related runs.. bought on by stressful situations like being asked to change your plans at the last minute  ;)
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stress related issues are becoming more of an issue mate  ;) ;) ;)  in all of us, buggers can now send me away for up to 25 weeks of the year to ,with as little as 2 days notice but usally 1 weeks, only thing thnat stops that is holidays, or familly emergencys, ,saturdays are now normal days, ok i know thats not new to anyone else, but our jobs are usally customer controlled, and most we deal with on our side  are ???? yes you got it  shut on saturdays,

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Stuck at home for a few days after my Discovery threw a wobbly Thursday night and had a trip on a recovery truck to the garage, been a loud bang coming from the gearbox for 3 weeks now which I did have investigated before and we thought it was the standard mainshaft/input gear issue inbetween the gearbox and transfer box. The noise had been getting louder and more violent driving home from the Norfolk Show Thursday, 3 miles from home there was a loud grating noise from the gearbox area and loss of drive......bugger >:( 

Garage have the box out now and surprisingly for something with 124500 miles on it there is no wear in the input gear or on the mainshaft, it looks like new so other than getting the box tested while its out its not looking to be faulty.....huge sigh of relief (the two boxes come to £1000-1200 + fitting) however the clucth has self distructed and the whole centre has sheared and ripped out of it.......bad enough but not so bad......on holiday now for two weeks as well so not the best start to it ::)

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partly my own foolishness partly the black taxi cab doing bout 60 mph down a narrow track, i didnt see pulled in on the junction before extremally quickly swerveing back on the road, if i hadnt he would have been flatpacked by the deere. bloody Peed me off that did!

Modified-watch the language!!!

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No combining for me. ...  flipping weather.  :(

But Tris the mannie up there made 7 days in the week and you would work 6 and rest on the the seventh...the Sabbath ;D ;D ...I just love weekends ;D ;D

Personally I end up working harder and end up being more tired on the Sabbath them most days of the week ;)

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