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What really annoyed you today

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Water everywhere!  Having put a new hose on my washing machine I went into the utlility room this morning and heard a sound like rain/  Pulled out the dishwasher and heard water gushing.  I obviously had not tightened the connector sufficiently and water was spraying out.  Wall is soaked, plaster falling off; worktop is soaked underneath and I have wet knees from crawling underneath to turn the tap off.

>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

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Water everywhere!  Having put a new hose on my washing machine I went into the utlility room this morning and heard a sound like rain/  Pulled out the dishwasher and heard water gushing.  I obviously had not tightened the connector sufficiently and water was spraying out.  Wall is soaked, plaster falling off; worktop is soaked underneath and I have wet knees from crawling underneath to turn the tap off.

>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

What happened to those weird color wellies you bought??????  Chewie the grayhound eat them?? :-\  Plus I thought it rained over there on your island all the time so whats bit more.. :)

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What happened to those weird color wellies you bought? ??? ??  Chewie the grayhound eat them?? :-\  Plus I thought it rained over there on your island all the time so whats bit more.. :)

Wellies, pink or otherwise, cannot stop knees getting wet, Rick, and as for it raining all the time (which is doesn't) it generally does not rain inside the house!

Mind you I was told that Flagstaff was a hot place but it was cold when I got there, it stayed cold and I left in torrential rain!  "Never rains on the desert"  Humph!

>:( >:(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not being able to get to Toytrac    >:( , oweing to the fact I've never been more than 10ft away from a toilet over the past 3 days due to the brown rain pouring from my anus, still at least sales of toilet roll have dramatically increased in the area over the weekend  :-\

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That's a Prince song isn't it? He was also an infectuous arse. . . . Oh . . . . No wait a minute. . . . .

You mean . . . . Eeeeugh!!

You disgusting herbert!!

Reminds me of a great Fast Show sketch though, "What did I say, Roy?"

"You said you could s*** through the eye of a needle"!!

Hope you're feeling better now. :)

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Haha Tris, Renee and Roy

Renee: Oh you’re going to Turkey, oh you lucky thing. Oh we’ve been to Turkey myself and Roy, 1990 went to Turkey, ‘91 Turkey, ‘92 Turkey, ‘93 Morecambe- Oh it’s not a patch on Turkey- it’s not got the same atmosphere what did I say Roy?

Roy: It’s not got the same atmosphere

Renee: Last time there were a trip to some ruins- I said we haven’t come all this way to look at an eyesore, oh they did laugh, what did they do Roy?

Roy: They did laugh

Renee: You see, Oh and one night Roy tried his hand on the karaoke, I said to Roy you’ve got a good voice, but no coordination, what did I say Roy?

Roy: You’ve got a good voice, but no coordination

Renee: I mean were not big sun worshippers myself and Roy we’re big fans of the shade. Roy came down in his shorts one day, I said you look like an egg on legs, what did I say Roy?

Roy: You look like an egg on legs

Renee: They did laugh ‘round the pool. Oh I got a really dicky tummy on the Wednesday, I said oh Roy, my tummy’s off- what did I say Roy?

Roy: You said you could have sh*t through the eye of a needle!

Renee: I did not say that- Roy.

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The state my potato harvester is in after my boss has been on it for the past 10 days while I've been ill........bent bits, cracked bits, gears with no left teeth on them, stars so full of mud they were like rollers.........its going to cost a small fortune to put right before next season now. Took me over two hours to wash it all down because of the amount of mud stuck in it ::)

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To be quite honest Tris the past 10 days have given me lots of time to think about things and I've come to the conclusion that there must be better places out there where everything isn't an uphill struggle so I may have changed jobs by then :-\

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been rearranging the 2nd of 3 fibre cables in plymouth today, had 144 bare fibres(thickness of a hair) hanging on hooks and held  still by magnetic white board markers ,took the end one off to remove the first set of 12 , and the bloody lot ran backwards like a slow motion film, off the hooks and hit the floor, problem is, even 6 knot up very easy if your not carefull ,so you can imagine what state 144 looked like, took me 2 hrs to get them back straight and even then they are all twisted in a line now, so everything comes with the 12 you try to remove, but far better than a knot of 144 of them,

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been rearranging the 2nd of 3 fibre cables in plymouth today, had 144 bare fibres(thickness of a hair) hanging on hooks and held  still by magnetic white board markers ,took the end one off to remove the first set of 12 , and the bloody lot ran backwards like a slow motion film, off the hooks and hit the floor, problem is, even 6 knot up very easy if your not carefull ,so you can imagine what state 144 looked like, took me 2 hrs to get them back straight and even then they are all twisted in a line now, so everything comes with the 12 you try to remove, but far better than a knot of 144 of them,

Im sure I would be annoyed too Sean, thats if I understood a word you said :-\ ;)

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Yesterday in maths i had the most annoying lass in the world behind me, the head of year and head of upper school came in and this lass, she had the cheek to say "can i come with you i'm bored in this lesson it's sh*t" so i turned round and told her to "stop being a silly b**ch" and the teacher who was taking the class told me not to use that language in her lesson, with that in mind i apologised and she said thats fine just don't do it in future! Then last night once i finished milking all 120 cows i got home to find my mum and dad trying to figure out what happened, the head of upper school (she's one of those types you either like them or hate them) had rung home and said i was excluded for a day (today) for swearing at a memeber of staff! Now i go on trial at college because i have been excluded, and i could now potentially get kicked off my course, all because the head of upper school hates me! >:( >:(>:( >:(

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Im sure I would be annoyed too Sean, thats if I understood a word you said :-\ ;)

its hard to explain unless you see it, which is hard ,as getting a picture of them on a cameras difficult due the the size of them,when we joint them the camera on the splicer magnifys them by some 2000 times, to give me a 2cm wide image, the core where the works done is only 5mm wide in that, so you can imaging the size before that hopefully, just multiply that by 144 in one huge twisted knot, and you can see why i was so anoyed, its far from easy to sort, if the bloody planner of the job had listened 8 weeks ago to the fact i knew he had done it wrong, i would not be doing this job right now,

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it is, mad rush getting people into the rolls so they can  keep up with the jobs ,but they put people from office based or exchange based jobs into the rolls, guys with no idea even of the basics ,they just trust the computer system, thats well known for being flawed anyway and being re done, so far i have raised doubts on all 4 ocr racks i have done, all done the same way as plymouth, and was told " i am the planner, i know what i am doing" 1 down, and actually i belive theres now doubts on at least 2 others i have done, but i e-mailed everything on those so have a nice paper trail so the speak to prove the lying sods wrong when they try and wriggle ,like the current guy is, seeing as the whole issues going right to the top with the god on the board as we have now had to put the full plymouth super fast broadband back by 2 months due to this and all the software stuff having to be re written, its a real high profile project, and every mistakes really analised on it 

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even on the first one i am covered, my boss, the assistant and one of the project managers have all backed me, they know i made calls ect to him so hes not getting of it that easy, i aint been doing my job for 23 years, without knowing how to cover myself, given my experiance with this new stuff, most pallners listen, just these new ones that do not, and they are learning quickly that a external engineer has a lot more between their ears than they thought

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Yesterday in maths i had the most annoying lass in the world behind me, the head of year and head of upper school came in and this lass, she had the cheek to say "can i come with you i'm bored in this lesson it's sh*t" so i turned round and told her to "stop being a silly b**ch" and the teacher who was taking the class told me not to use that language in her lesson, with that in mind i apologised and she said thats fine just don't do it in future! Then last night once i finished milking all 120 cows i got home to find my mum and dad trying to figure out what happened, the head of upper school (she's one of those types you either like them or hate them) had rung home and said i was excluded for a day (today) for swearing at a memeber of staff! Now i go on trial at college because i have been excluded, and i could now potentially get kicked off my course, all because the head of upper school hates me! >:( >:(>:( >:(

Sounds bad Mark,

I know a few of my teachers have it in for me too is it a farming related course?

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