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Got home at 23.30 last night to find Dad had left his key in the door >:( >:(

Could anyone in the fifties or older tell me why you do it? Tracis parents do the same quite often too.

It's now 06.45 and I am on my way to work again. . . very bleary eyed.

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Got home at 23.30 last night to find Dad had left his key in the door >:( >:(

Could anyone in the fifties or older tell me why you do it? Tracis parents do the same quite often too.

It's now 06.45 and I am on my way to work again. . . very bleary eyed.

Stu used to do it all the time until he got into the habit of locking the front door once inside.  But he was doing that long before he reached 50.  It is not an age thing, Tris

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My latest purchase..........

got my new john deere 7550i home and had a closer look..... typical, lots of plastic.... the grass header does not stay on...... the maize header does not fold properly....

the wheels are rubbish.....

Come on britains, we know you can do better  >:( >:(>:( >:( :'( :'( :'( ??? ??? >:(

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Oh back pain is a nightmare. Two years ago I suffered for a period of around 5 to 6 months with it. In the end it turned out to be my SI joint between pelvis and spine that was causing the problem. In the end a physio sorted me out after months of popping anti inflammatories from the doc.

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Mostly, as usual, my neighbour has annoyed me.  >:( Well, annoyed is probably not the word. ::)

I've not known what it's like to actually hate anyone before but he is the most vile old man I have ever come across and I think it safe to say that I do genuinely despise him. His only redeeming feature is that, all things being equal, he will turn his toes up a lot sooner than I will..... ???

He is utterly hateful and the story is too long to even start to tell here!! >:(

I've not got solicitors involved yet but the police are. I really don't need this!!

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An elderly lady who lives in a village outside Andover received a telephone call yesterday from a lady purporting to be doing a survey on behalf of Test Valley Borough Council..  She started with questions about how she liked living in the village, did she have close neighbours and did she get on with them, etc, etc.  What age was she and did she live on her own? 

At that point the lady said it was her own business and hung up.  She phoned her daughter who called Test Valley who confirmed no such survey would ever be undertaken and she then called the police. 

This village has had a large number of burglaries over the past few months so it sounds like a good way of finding out who is vulnerable.  I am glad my telephone number is ex-directory although I never give personal information to unknown and unsolicited callers

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The star shafts on my spud harvester, we refit the new stars as per the old ones and the two shafts collide, so we do it as per the book and they still collide so we alter them with no difference, what should have taken an hour has taken two of us the best part of a day and a half and they still aren't right >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

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The star shafts on my spud harvester, we refit the new stars as per the old ones and the two shafts collide, so we do it as per the book and they still collide so we alter them with no difference, what should have taken an hour has taken two of us the best part of a day and a half and they still aren't right >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

they the right parts mate?? sounds daft, but i had a part freom the local gargae for our last bmw, all sealed proper part, just couldnt get it to fit, turned out it was the right bag and part decal on it, just thwe wrong part in the bag,

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They came direct from Standen's at Ely with the correct tag on them so we guess so, got to the point that we are going to finish putting the drive chains on in the morning and the digger web then put the PTO in gear and hope they sort themselves out as we can't afford to spend anymore time on it. The bulkers are arriving and we still have to change my wheels and get the grader set up ready for Monday

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