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What really annoyed you today

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They came direct from Standen's at Ely with the correct tag on them so we guess so, got to the point that we are going to finish putting the drive chains on in the morning and the digger web then put the PTO in gear and hope they sort themselves out as we can't afford to spend anymore time on it. The bulkers are arriving and we still have to change my wheels and get the grader set up ready for Monday

as i say weird things have happend before, i have endured it, took me most of the day to guess what was wrong, the min they saw it they knew it was wrog, time after time i tried different ways to get it on / in, nothing worked, was only a small difference but enough to confound me 

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Exam was a lot harder than I expected and couldn't do 30% of it - at least anyone else I talked to had the same issue so hopefully I did enough to pass it :-[

Oh dear Colm not so good but look on the bright side if everyone found it hard then the past mark will probably be lower anyway. I found in the past that a lot of exams are rigged in that they only decide to let a certain percentage pass every time anyway. How lond before you get your results ??? ???

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One of guy' timekeeping is atrocious. He was late everyday last week. Monday he suggested we start earlier to make the most of daylight hours. Brilliant. Pick you up at 5am he says. 5.15am yesterday 5.30am today. I get up at 4.30am for that w@#ker!! >:(

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Look on the brightside though Tris ... an extra half hour on here  ;D ;D

I'm on here most of the day anyway with my mobile. It's the extra 1/2 in bed I could've had which grates me. I've been late in the past, we all have. When people depend on you though you should let them know by a phonecall or a text. Even an apology would be nice :( It's been a very silent journey so far with 1/2hr to go yet! ;D
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Oh dear Colm not so good but look on the bright side if everyone found it hard then the past mark will probably be lower anyway. I found in the past that a lot of exams are rigged in that they only decide to let a certain percentage pass every time anyway. How lond before you get your results ??? ???

I hope that is true anyway Bill - December 11th same day as our Christmas party the results are out ;) Not as long a wait as last time. Even though 30% was hard I'd still say I picked up a few marks on it and did well on the other 70% so should have enough to get me my 55% which is about the average pass mark ;)

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The spud harvester, we get it all up and running and into the first field, 30 yards into the first two rows it rips the splines out of the hydraulic motor on the roller cleaning table, will now be spending tomorrow fitting two new motors along with seals and driving dogs >:(

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Drove to Eastleigh for the toyfair and spent over half an hour driving around the car parks, in a convoy of around 30 cars trying to find a space.

WHY do they hold toyfairs in Leisure centres on a Sunday when there is a golf match and a football match taking place, let alone the pool and gym users!

Gave up and came home so also missed out on the lunch with friends.  >:( :'( :'( :'(

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The bottom has fallen out of the straw market again over here just as one of our buyers 'promised' he would take a few loads from us >:( >:(

How can that happen Colm... is it not the case that good straw is short this year with all the wet weather ???

Do you mind if I ask how much baled straw is worth/was worth ???

PM if it's personal... or tell me to mind my own business if it's REALLY personal  :D :D

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