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Thanks guys, your right, at least i no what is like now. BGU, is your Adam going to take his on penny in a few years ;) Blue light on top? :D :D Thanks for the offer ;):D Ad

9  years time - we will keep her going for him!!

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Political correctness on this forum gone barkers

Its not PC gone mad Ricky ;), calm down!!! :D :D, all will be sorted in time :), we are just trying to make things fairer for all on the forum and its taking time, some people have just got the wrong end of the stick and panicking for no reason!!

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Its not PC gone mad Ricky ;), calm down!!! :D :D, all will be sorted in time :), we are just trying to make things fairer for all on the forum and its taking time, some people have just got the wrong end of the stick and panicking for no reason!!

I think i have read into it quite well actually ben

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I'm afraid you haven't Ricky - all Andy and the mod team are trying to do is create a level playing field for all members and enhance FTF  surely no one can disagree with that ???

Take a step back, look how my topic title has changed, now look at the very 1st picture i opened the topic with, does the topic tile make the meaning of the picture any different????

Answer NO

If I only posted 1 picture at the start of the topic would the topic be any different??

Again NO

The topic in question was a very productive topic,

the are many many many topics on the forum that have been started and in all senses of the words, aren't in touch with reality at all

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I do not know any of you personally so my opinion on this is unbiased.

First ofall I think it is getting out of hand and should calm down because one of the thingsI like about this forum is the fact we seemed to be a comunity of people that get along well and treat each other as friends even if we dont know them really.

I am sure with controlled tempers brought to the " bargaining table"

a compromise that will please all can be reached.

So please for the sake of this forum let us be controlled and cool about the whole thing.

My opinion on this is simple:

Anybody advertising something for sale should have to pay.

Now if you build something for sale but dont make it look like you want to sell it, thats ok. Now if some of you know that the builder is building this things to sell that that does not mean he is advertising because not everybody is in the know !

But when you represent something as it where produced to sell ie:

in mass production ( a number that is higher than what a normal person might have in his own collection, but yet to be determined)

then that is wrong.

So my sugestion is:

-keep the forum as is

-post in a manner that does not indicate you are trying to sell something.

-when asking for a price or availability on any particular item do it with a pm

-when you are trying to sell things, consider a banner, they do not cost a fortune and help make this forum what it is.

-keep encouraging people even builders to post about their creations as long as the posts are not used as a obvious selling tool.

-There should be nthing wrong if details about a particluar build are discussed with a builder even if the intend is to buy and sell as long as it does not appear that way. By example I would not want to read about all the amazing things a particular item features that sound like a tV comercial.

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