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Royal Mail........bunch of jobsworths


My stepdaughter ordered an item for her boyfriend's birthday and asked for it to be delivered to my house so that he didn't see it before the day.


Unfortunately I missed the post yesterday so it got taken back to the sorting office.


She gave me her driving licence and I took my own along today as well.


They would not give me the parcel even though I had her licence and my own licence because the address on her licence was different to the address on the parcel. This is why I had taken my licence along, it obviously has my address on.


Not good enough!


Apparently if I had taken her bank card, which does not have any address on it, I could have have had the parcel.


I now have to wait in tomorrow for it to be re-delivered.


My ghast has never been so flabbered >:( >:(>:(

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  • 3 weeks later...

The wind!


We haven't got it anywhere near as bad as the South West but it is still a bit breezy. It snapped off the gatepost at the base and left the side gate flapping and banging on the side of the house.

So, I decided to try and chisel the old post out as it was set in concrete, which is when I walloped my hand with the damn hammer, now sat with an ice pack on my knuckle, ouch!

It may be tomorrow before I finish digging the old gate post stump out now.

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  • 1 month later...

A work mate lied to the management about me today - RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! He is senior to me AND has the ear of the management, so it was pointless to try to put things right, so I am left seething. He is known as a bully, but I've never had experience of this. He is also very careful not to put anything in writing or do anything in the presence of witnesses. GRRR! How to get even with him?

The union recommend keeping a diary, but how can I if it's all seemingly his word against mine?


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There are undesirable characters ( aka bully's) who do such things John especially when you don't have a witness...but from recent experiences John I would advise you to record the conversations as I have had to do personally over the past 2 months.

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Thanks Bill, I've started an email blog to myself, so I can add to it at the time things happen. At the moment, the guy is looking for a scapegoat, as something has gone extremely wrong in our department, so I am in his sights... Luckily, I'm good at my job and the boss knows it, so he might fall into his own trap! :-)


Time to go and polish the Allis! (Very therapeutic!).

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recived my uh activa combine  today, and its nothing like the pics shown when sold, sadly the seller wedged the model into nothing more than a cardboard box, that didn't fit, and taped some extra over the end to cover it, and didn't put anything else over it, thus its been  through the system with parcel thug world wide delivery?? , and is now damaged beyond repair, cabs shattered, headers stuffed, rear axels been broken, most of the hand rails have been bent or snapped, as the models just flown around inside the box, even managed to hole the plastic front, I only really wanted it for the dealer box it was in anyway, but it was repairable when it was bought , what's more amazing is the sellers a well known one, all be it not under the more common name we know  and see them trading as .the pre paid postage label proves that . ok I bought a damaged model, but nothing as bad as I got it in, and for nothing more than decent packing being done

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started a ebay claim for half the cost back,  certainly wasn't expecting that I must confess, the models probably only good for parts now, where it was, going by the sellers pics, repairable before .sure parcel thugs got some blame to, even taping the 2 poly surrounds together would have protected it , they are a member on here I think???  not sure to be honest 

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started a ebay claim for half the cost back,  certainly wasn't expecting that I must confess, the models probably only good for parts now, where it was, going by the sellers pics, repairable before .sure parcel thugs got some blame to, even taping the 2 poly surrounds together would have protected it , they are a member on here I think???  not sure to be honest 

how did that happen Sean,if it was in the poly surround the box would hold them together

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I am having my first day off for over 3 weeks, my other half is going out to a singalong, fancy dress ABBA evening tonight, (yes, really!), so I was looking forward to a night in front of the box with a good DVD, some nice whiskey and a log fire. What happens? My wife thinks I'll be lonely (!), so arranges for a few of us husbands to be herded together for 'social time'! I feel like a sheep! Bah! So much for freedom of choice... Mind you, I suppose it'll be good practice for the home my children keep threatening to put me into! :-)

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Yesterday a conman and time waster from from Holland. Yesterday as I was going the back road from Kemnay to Inverurie with my trailer I looked in my mirror and there was a VW Golf with foreign plates hard on my tail then on a straight part of the road flashing of lights so I duly slowed down thinking there was something wrong with my trailer. The chap spoke good English as seemed genuine and was pointing to a map saying he was coming from Inverurie and was lost. I said that he was heading towards Inverurie. He said he needed to get to Aberdeen then the ferry at Newcastle. Being the helpful person I am I said to follow me and i would take him down to the roundabout at Morrisons and then he could not go wrong. He then said he was selling Swiss Rikon knives and had 4 boxes left and he would gladly give them away since he would not get through customs with them since not in a locked box. Anway he proceeded to show me them and said I could have two boxes all I needed was pay the VAT at £ 140. I said I wasn't interested and had no money but he persisted and went on to show me pans. By this time he had wasted enough of my time and I said look I'm in a hurry follow me and I will show you the way to Aberdeen. He was still persisting saying he would me an offer on all 4 sets of knives I could not refuse....NO NO follow me. Anyway he followed me for a short distance and then stopped and turned back. I wish now I had the presence of mind to take his registration number and report him to the police. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

turned my ankle today, which has put paid to my fencing project, wouldn't have minded doing it at mine doing my own work, but I went down at her mothers sorting a job her son was ment to be doing, currently laid up with it in the air and after 4 hrs its a pretty impressive shade of purple and hurts like hell >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

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  • 1 month later...

assembling my attempt at a 1/32 buckrake and discovering the whole frame is 2-3mm too wide apart for Britain's linkages..... still there is always version 2 to be designed and made.... ;D

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F-ing travis Perkins , order the sleepers last Friday for either Friday or sat delivery , no call yet so after 20 mins of trying to get hold of the branch I have now found out its looking like it's at least a 3 weeks wait ? Never said that when I ordered them, have given them till Monday lunchtime to improve , as on e pushed they have revealed there's 40 sat in Taunton unassigned so as far as I go they can send a lorry up to get them , it's not like it's Manchester or further north , which once I said that really seemed to piss him off

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we use travis all the time sean,never been a problem,and to be fare why didnt you ask if in stock?if we ask for something and its not in they do tell you ,however this is the tavistock branch,never dealt with the plymouth one,i take it its the plymouth one you used?

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I ain't stupid Paul , when I ordered they were in stock , otherwise I would have gone else where , branch manager doesn't work Saturdays hence why I have no idea what's going on, a quick call to another branch has told me that they rec. there's 1000 in stock , which is completley different to what I was told this morn ??

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