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What really annoyed you today

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ah with ya now, hence nicks measurements eh

I've got to re-find the trailer they moved it to another field ... I'll look out for it later i promise Ben  ;)

For a minute Sean i thought you were talking about mum throwing bales at my head i was like i may be short but plastic bales don't do that much damage  :D

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ah with ya now, hence nicks measurements eh

no just adding to the other 40+ i had to use up last time!!....found some spare tubing and its the easiet way to get rid of it :D :D

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Why would that annoy you Beetie ???  Get it read and then you can drive  ::)

I know, you have to be 17 over here, and then they don't exactly encourage you to get on the roads.  :(

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Why would that annoy you Beetie ???  Get it read and then you can drive  ::)

Just the time to do the classes mate...takes away from FTF and tractor wheelie time  ::):D :D :D

Oh yes, and they said I couldn't do a wheelie with the car  ::) :'( :D :D

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I spent $200 on a new compressor for our electric air compressor this weekend, thought it would be better than scrapping the whole thing since I'd just bought a new electric motor for it last autumn ($250). Got 'er all put together this afternoon, fired 'er up and THE BL**DY TANK IS RUSTED OUT!!!! >:( >:(>:(

Now I have to shell out another $300-$400 for a tank ::)

You know you're in trouble when you have to fix the tools before you can fix the equipment  ;)

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I spent $200 on a new compressor for our electric air compressor this weekend, thought it would be better than scrapping the whole thing since I'd just bought a new electric motor for it last autumn ($250). Got 'er all put together this afternoon, fired 'er up and THE BL**DY TANK IS RUSTED OUT!!!! >:( >:(>:(

Now I have to shell out another $300-$400 for a tank ::)

You know you're in trouble when you have to fix the tools before you can fix the equipment  ;)

Ouch that was a sore one Adam!!!!

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Walked to the local cafe / take away to get a bite to eat and asked for a super bap with egg mayo and bacon. After a while she came back with the open bap and proceeded to fill it with rashers of fried bacon. I had to intervene saying it was egg mayo mix with chopped bacon on top was what I wanted. She then turned to one of the girls and said take that egg off the grill. If I'd wanted a bap filled with grilled bacon and fried egg I would have asked for a bacon and egg buttie. Does no one understand plain English or Scottish any longer!!!

Anyway the end result was worth waiting for and I have cooled down now!!!

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ringing round looking for two new rams for my fert sower then i find some one that can get them for me but at ?300 then i ring around looking to see if someone can make me a set but none make rams that small  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

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the number of locals who despite 2 very big road closed signs at each end of where we are working, still try to drive down and then proceed to complain big time that we are blocking the road with 2 transits and a big 7.5 ton lorry with big mobile trailer which on the back???? cant people read

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