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Happy Birthday to anyone who's birthday it is... sorry I can't name names, but because Simon is on numpty patrol if I get it wrong I'm too scared :'( :'( :'(


Very wise - and I hope no one ever [mis-]quotes me again

General HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes

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Well if you lot only posted up peoples birthday actually on there birthDAY instead of 4-5 days before i wouldn't have to interfere its you own fault's not mine  ::) ::):D :D :D  i mean its not that hard is it its highlighted on the homepage down the bottom who's birthday it is each day  ;) ;)

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Well if you lot only posted up peoples birthday actually on there birthDAY instead of 4-5 days before i wouldn't have to interfere its you own fault's not mine  ::) ::):D :D :D  i mean its not that hard is it its highlighted on the homepage down the bottom who's birthday it is each day  ;) ;)

And if you had something better to do than pick on us it wouldn't be a problem... better than missing a birthday >:(

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And if you had something better to do than pick on us it wouldn't be a problem... better than missing a birthday >:(

I wasn't picking on people just enforcing the numpty law to the letter as Ben would say

"a numpty is given for a act of stupidity" to which you lot quite clearly deserved them  :D :D :D

...especially when the posting you read and ACTED on had a quote that was unrelated to all the other inserted in it making me a really Grumpy bunny

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The way i seen it Sue you were being to lazy to type every one's name who you thought was their "birthday" so the powers-that-be decided you were guilty  :D :D :D

Nothing of the sort it is just that  I have been having a bit of a busy time and knew I had missed a lot of birthdays.  Totally unfair as laziness is not a numptyable offence.

This is now seriously off topic but a reply was required.

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