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9620 artic on tracks


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Rubber tracked machines can, steel cant though

mm there s guy down this way who regulary drives his crawler loader down the road a few miles to his out buildings  ,doesn't make that much of a mess of the road either,just leaves marks like a roller doews if dragged down the road

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you can certainly hear him coming as the things old anyway,not even sure what make it is,its only on a single track road saying that ,but its a trough road nether the less,so the council do maintain it,can only really tell when he's turned the corner at the junction ,even then theres not to much damage,recon he's been doing it for a good few years to

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Isnt it illeagal as well to do that  ???  thats what i've been told by a few people

it could well be mate,but there aint to many copper round down this way,all out on mobile speed cameras,and its way out in the middel of the back of beyond to,only does it when hes doing his gash concrete removal,as he takes lorry loads of rubble from building sites and looses it in an old quarry he has,

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used to drive TM155 across roads never did any damage to the road surface the only thing is to drive slow on hard surfaces as it causes to much vibration on the engine.

yes it is illegal to drive any metal engaging implement on the road but a crawler isnt an implement, neither are 360 diggers  not sure on cage wheels though

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Looks good, still think the Case STX looks better though,don't know which one performs better. I just turned down my dream job to be main driver on one :( if only the company in question had a better history  :-\

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we are pulling a 6m Tine master and a 6.6m simba DD press with the 96, It is sat in the yard at the minute we are just fitting some work lights to the back of the tinemaster so we can see the press in the dark ;D and also fitting a couple of beacons to both the press and the cultivator as well as road lights( it will look like a xmas tree ;D) as far as i know we are planning to running her as close to 24 hours a day to keep up with the combines :-\But we will see ;)

And yes as soon as she is out in the field i will get some more pics!


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