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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Well... what have i been up to indeed ::) Went out riding with my Daddy, and borrowed someone else's GG and it was a little bit exciting shall we say... well it preferred standing on two legs rather than keeping all four on the ground for some reason  :-\  Someone pleeeeeeease tell me I'm getting too old for this :D

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Well... what have i been up to indeed ::) Went out riding with my Daddy, and borrowed someone else's GG and it was a little bit exciting shall we say... well it preferred standing on two legs rather than keeping all four on the ground for some reason  :-Someone pleeeeeeease tell me I'm getting too old for this :D

no way mandy ,you certainly dont look to old for it from my first meeting with you

do you have plans to get your own horse again then??

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no way mandy ,you certainly dont look to old for it from my first meeting with you

do you have plans to get your own horse again then??

You are sooooooooooooooooooo sweet Sean (muffin forgetting definitely forgiven :-*). Actually, I've been trying to avoid horses - too much time, money and trouble  >:( But, once word gets out that you can ride a bit... (thanks to my Dad for that one), there is always a plentiful supply of owners with too little time and too many GGs around (including my father, who's taken up eventing and wants help with his horsey) :-\

I now have a sore bum, and really feel like falling asleep for an hour or two... but instead have several hours of website stuff to do :'(

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You are sooooooooooooooooooo sweet Sean (muffin forgetting definitely forgiven :-*). Actually, I've been trying to avoid horses - too much time, money and trouble  >:( But, once word gets out that you can ride a bit... (thanks to my Dad for that one), there is always a plentiful supply of owners with too little time and too many GGs around (including my father, who's taken up eventing and wants help with his horsey) :-\

I now have a sore bum, and really feel like falling asleep for an hour or two... but instead have several hours of website stuff to do :'(

well its fun aint it, sore arse or not, and its free to seeign as it aint your horse

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went to a wedding fair ::) ::)::) oh what fun,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not!        i'm not moaning honestly but just tell me when and where and i will turn up, all this phaffing around and looking at this and thinking about that gets a little wearing ;)

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went to a wedding fair ::) ::)::) oh what fun,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not!        i'm not moaning honestly but just tell me when and where and i will turn up, all this phaffing around and looking at this and thinking about that gets a little wearing ;)

i have been to a wedding fair it was't that bad only cos i got to see some power full wedding cars

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Shopping for me again as Traci just couldn't be pleased. Then to Nans for a cuppa, then a meal in Anthony Wirral Thompsons pub then a DVD then home. Only logging on this late as I checked my messages and one from Stan required an immediate few minutes of my attention!!

And now I can't log off!!  :D :D

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Well it was actually yesterday but so enjoyable I have just got to give it a mention.

Yesterday I was invited to an open day at the house of Mike Drellan who lives a few miles from me. Mike and his brothers originated from Ireland and came accross to work in the oil industry in Aberdeen and have ran rather successful oil service companies. On display in the field below his house were the following

A stone crusher driver by a Steam Road roller ex Donald Stewart Aberdeen

A saw bench cutting trees (over 100 years old) driven by a traction engine

Next a steam engine driving a Foster threshing mill

Alongside a smaller traction engine "Coxk of the North) driving the baler

Then a Foden steam wagon giving kids rides around the field and grounds

Finally to crown it all a showmans steam engine called "Dolphin" driving a kids fairground carosel.

Next came the marque where 2 course lunch was served with a band playing in the background and face painting for the kids.

Ouside again and two Volvo lorries were on display old R and N' regs's looking splended

Then the tractors

A yellow Forson, a single cylinder Styer and of course my favourite a French International Farmall Cub with a two way plough which I would love to get my hands on for mine.

Oh nearly forgot a Fairground organ playing also.Met lots of Mike's Irish pals ( 12 came over for the event) who were a really friendly and happy bunch. Took quite a few photos which if they turn out to be any good will post as a separate post at a later date.

PS The "Coxk" of the North Engine will be doing a run from John O Groats to Lands End during 2008. It has already done this run in the 1960's. They plan to cover the distance in 7 days doing 12 hours on the raods per day.

PPS The x in the Coxk should be a "c"

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I know i've said already but i just want to show off with these pics:


And the kid im tackling left our club for our bitter rivals the whole game he got a good seeing to  :D


What age is the team then. And it could only be posh boys union.  ;D

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I know i've said already but i just want to show off with these pics:

And the kid im tackling left our club for our bitter rivals the whole game he got a good seeing to  :D

typical, Nadines being chased by boys! :D :D :D

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went to a wedding fair ::) ::)::) oh what fun,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not!        i'm not moaning honestly but just tell me when and where and i will turn up, all this phaffing around and looking at this and thinking about that gets a little wearing ;)

yeah there not that fun!!!, i spent most of the time eating freebies and talking to the DJ's about what mixing equipment they had :D :D

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Well this morning when I was getting out of bed at 7.00 the Mrs informs me that she was awake on and off through the night because of a scratching noise coming from the chimney  ???

Turns out when I went to look there was a b****y crow down the chimney ::)

The wire mesh I put over the top about 8 years ago had rusted away it seems.A bit later on took the opportunity to sweep the chimney  - no sign of the crow now ??? must have worked his way back up the chimney himself :-\ did find a dead one outside later. Got a new galv bird guard from Mole Valley and had ladder from loader bucket up to chimney stack to fit it , Job done. Health & safety would have loved to see that operation :D

In her good books now :)

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Well this morning when I was getting out of bed at 7.00 the Mrs informs me that she was awake on and off through the night because of a scratching noise coming from the chimney  ???

Turns out when I went to look there was a b****y crow down the chimney ::)

The wire mesh I put over the top about 8 years ago had rusted away it seems.A bit later on took the opportunity to sweep the chimney  - no sign of the crow now ??? must have worked his way back up the chimney himself :-\ did find a dead one outside later. Got a new galv bird guard from Mole Valley and had ladder from loader bucket up to chimney stack to fit it , Job done. Health & safety would have loved to see that operation :D

In her good books now :)

Why didn't you just light the fire  :D :D :D

Years ago we had a little owl come down in the summer  opened up all  the fire places in the bedrooms as well but he wouldn't come out for a couple of days  ::) ::)::)

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