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Today has been a crudd day

Works van decided that the key was no good any more and wouldnt start

1 phone call to the AA and a man appeared an hour later with a hammer and chissel and smashed the ignition barrell out of the steering collum with my permision as there was just no other way to get it out

So spent the rest of the getting soaked to the skin  robbing the ignition off of a spare van to get mine going

Don't like playing with air bags  But it was easy when you knew what went where and what came from where

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Went to the recycling depot to get rid of a load of rubble from the fireplace. Stripped more paper off the landing, helped Tracis dad with some hedgecutting and then he got our flagstones measured up. Bit of tea now and then down the house to get the flagstones set in on mortar. :)

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I have not done overly much today took the dog for a walk in the local woods then went to Huntly and had to go to the bank and then to Asda. Since then cooked up a lamb curry from scratch and sorting out the washing.

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Went and took a load of photo's this morning, the guys I go on silage with were out cutting triticale with the TX34 and TF42. Now wrapping bales for the other chap I work for in a farmers yard near Melksham.

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Cleaned the bathroom porcelain (basins, loo etc) and the shower room porcelain (ditto), took all my glass to the recycling centre (nice to have no bottles for folks to count) and then went and sieved some more compost out of my 7 bins and spread it. 

Now it looks like rain so am going to sit down and put my feet up and let it settle my spread compost nicely!

;D ;D

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Got the cultivator and the drill ready this morning then the student went cultivating and I went drilling stubble turnips behind him till 4pm, quick stop at home before going back grain carting till 10:20pm as the barley had dried out after yesterdays downpour. Pictures a couple of videos to come tomorrow :)

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Got the cultivator and the drill ready this morning then the student went cultivating and I went drilling stubble turnips behind him till 4pm, quick stop at home before going back grain carting till 10:20pm as the barley had dried out after yesterdays downpour. Pictures a couple of videos to come tomorrow :)

we got our stubble tirnips in last week too gav  watch them grow now
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Well today have picked up the dog from my dad's house where she stayed last night as we had a day in Aberdeen yesterday. Also dropped my wife off at work and since then have been watching the Hungarian GP now The British Moto GP in between cleaning the house in preparation for the children coming home tomorrow. Hopefully get out to the garage later going to have a look at the fendt baler .

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