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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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. Came on home and I have just prepared the sloe's to make sloe gin tomorrow night and the blackberries are soaking in white wine vinegar to make blackberry cordial. Need to get a few more blackberries tomorrow to go with the already picked elderberries to make blackberry and elderberry jam over the weekend  :) :)

oo getting very fanny craddock on us eh tris  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Not doing what was planned as the tree surgeons changed the date so instead of collecting two greyhounds who are staying for the weekend I am watching three men demolish  seriously prune my 200+ year old bramley and at the moment a garden covered in leaves, apples and sawdust.

As it was higher than the house and dropping tonnes (and I am not exaggerating) of apples it is a job that needed doing.  Behold - I have light in my dining room and they haven't finished. 

The trailer is full of chippings and I have a huge stack of apple wood for logs.  All I will need is a man with a log splitter and/or a large axe once it is seasoned!

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What are you putting it in with Scott?  :)

Today, after filling up the creep feeders and changing any batteries on the electric fences . ... and separating two bulls fighting over a bulling cow  ::) I carried on hedge trimming until 8pm. Came on home and I have just prepared the sloe's to make sloe gin tomorrow night and the blackberries are soaking in white wine vinegar to make blackberry cordial. Need to get a few more blackberries tomorrow to go with the already picked elderberries to make blackberry and elderberry jam over the weekend  :) :)

My trusty 2.7m MF30 drill ;)

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no good teasing us, wheres the pictures scott???

I go into auto pilot when drilling starts and don't think of taking photo's

I'll try to get some when I do some more

Got a weekend off to go to Silverstone  For a spot of spectating

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Off to check round the cattle nice and early today so that I can get away to the feed mill at Calne. Going there in the 6180 and Fraser trailer to pick up 4t of organic cake. Fill up the creep feeders and then continue the hedge trimming until dark. :)

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All day at the Battle of Britain airshow in Kemble, highlights were a Lancaster, Hurricane, Spitfire, Airbus A380 and a Vulcan bomber. Only ruined by the weather at the end of the display plus the Dove transport plane my parents were due to fly in had a problem with its undercarriage and so had to abort before take-off.

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Yesterday and today been helping my brother put up a big shed in his garden to put his Land Rover and car in under cover. Built like a sectional garden shed but more complicated being 24 feet long, 14 feet deep with two 8 foot openings in the front, box profile steel roof with a 2 foot canopy overhang at the front. Not too difficult to build but there were no instructions just some fuzzy colour pictures most of which were partly superimposed over each other and a few bags of nuts bolts screws and nails. But we did it!

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Well despite being up early with the intention of going to a vintage tractor working day near Edinburgh I checked the updated weather forecast at home and there and decided against it since it was mostly rain down there. Never mind I think I'll see about getting that fan on my Ransome's MG2 crawler repaired so she can get loaded back into the trailer and give more garage space.

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At work already, got a couple of batteries to change on the fencers and tie morning creep feed fill ups and check the cattle, let the four milkers into the shed for their calves to suckle their breakfast. Get the new calf to feed from its phsyco mother, move one herd and repair electric fence, put up another fence ready for a move and also set up the race and crush ready for the vet to scan cows tomorrow. Got to be done by 1pm!! Tracis grandads 80th today.

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