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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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this beauty arrived at the yard this morning at half past 5, had the joys of unloading it half a mile from the yard because the german lorry driver refused to go up the track incase he got "stuck", i tried telling him we move machines twice the width down the track but it wasnt good enough for him, got her up to the yard, went back to bed, then went back and gave her a wash, chances of me driving this are slim, which is a shame, quite enjoyed my play around with it

attachicon.gifHWS Demolition, Excavation & Heavy Haulge Contractors Liebherr ADT.jpg

that brand new then?? surprised you had to wash it ,cant have got that dirty on the road, i asume thats your yard its pictured in to, ??

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Yes that's the "small yard" basicay where all the machines go to get serviced and where the lorrys are kept, looking rather tidy at the moment, but won't stay like that for long, gave it a wash for something to do, and its getting red and white chevrons around the front bumper so has to completely clean, almost brand new, got about 20 hours on the clock,

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absolute bang on, we had the tires swapped with the ones off of the volvo a30d it was replacing, and stuck some older more worn out ones on the volvo, so we have a set of new ones sitting for when the ones on the liebherr wear through to the rims, 

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yes it is, been working for them for a while now, my dad and the person i took over from used to be partners in the 90's they then split, with my dad taking the small side, and the other taking the heavy plant and haulage side to it. very tidy yard, indeed, i get the road sweeper driver to go over it every time he leaves the yard and enters it, the other yard is a bit of a tip, it doesnt have a proper concrete or tar surface as the steel tracks on the machines just tear it up.

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its just fancy pattern pave concrete, just the same as whats up to his house, one of his "assosiates" does it for a living and makes a tidy job of it, the boy who previously owned it liked everything clean and tidy, workshops imaculate, office was always tidy and staff where always on time and well presented, and they actually looked like they enjoyed there job... i cant stand sitting at a desk answering phones and looking at a computer all day it would drive me insane, handy having a few boys who go out pricing work and a few lassies in the office dealing with clients as it allows me to play with operate the machines and put in a days graft

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i bet there aint many of them ta230's in the uk either?? i only ever see volvos or cats on most big jobs no matter where, infact a quick search on the net only found yours???? in your yard??? , which intrestingly seems to be in germany going by the phone number for contact??? great website you have mind 


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i bet there aint many of them ta230's in the uk either?? i only ever see volvos or cats on most big jobs no matter where, infact a quick search on the net only found yours? ??? in your yard??? , which intrestingly seems to be in germany going by the phone number for contact??? great website you have mind 



Have to hand it to ya Harry you have only took over that business a week or so and you have already opened a branch in Germany.

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okay boys i've been caught, due to finacial difficulties the deal of taking ownership of the company fell through, i lost my job as a plant operator and projects manager at the company, i have almost nothing to my name, contemplating bankruptcy, i lied on the forum, about the machines i "bought". When i posted those pictures of the machines it made me feel better about how things currently are, when i posted pictures, or post about what i'd been doing, and people replied to them it made me feel as if i had my business back, a business which once gave me a reason to wake up to, something that i was able to claim as mine, something i was proud of owning, one of the only things my dad had trusted me with, i then sold it, he no longer talks to me, i payed my brother connel off, he no longer talks, i have let myself, my family, my friends and fellow Farm Toys Forumers Down, i am sorry for any damage i have caused, and i am currently seeking help on how to delete my account. 


Sorry and Thankyou, Harry

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That's quite a sorry tale there......there's one from my childhood I remember though called "The Boy who cried Wolf", he told so many lies that no one knew when to believe him.......




What happened to being an apprentice brick layer for a building firm up your way then Harry..........?

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Don't go any were Harry,realy mate don't. I think more of you for having the balls to own up.

My dad did as you in the post above with his logging company so can some what understand were your coming from.No ones back yard is as clean as they make out.

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In the next few weeks we are having the builders in and knocking through from the kitchen to the dining room. Because of this I have to pack away my models that are displayed in 2 IKEA Billy bookcases, I am replacing screws and wires and it is a much bigger job than I had imagined, this is going to take up the next few weekends as I can only spare about 2 hours a day.

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Giving a helping hand to mum and dad so they can get ready and set off with our hefier to the Barmoral show I'm off all week so I can keep a eye on the yard and do the feeding as mum and dad will be away all week at the show

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Well I have decided, after realising how big a part of my life farm toys forum is I'm no longer going to be deleting my account, and coming out my cave and I'm ready to face the music, I know it's going to take a while to gain everyone's trust again, but after carly telling me to sort my self out or she going to leave me, I've realised that lyings stupid and feeling sorry for myself because I was to embarrased to admit that after investing so much into a business I was no longer able to take ownership.

Today, I've been on the road looking for work, I was told by a few employers they had no vacancies so I then took to my black book of contacts, and phoned one of my old clients from HWS plant who told me the best he could offer me was 6 months work on a loading shovel, with occasional 360 digger work in between so I can't complain with a baby on the way. Also going to be selling the js145w and my loadall as there's no work coming in for them.

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Okay so my brothers bean causing hassle, he's lied to everyone on this, not only embarrassing himself, but also myself, the fact he got to the stage he is now without speaking to family shows how embarrassed he is, HWS plant was his pride and joy, and he wouldn't shut up about taking on this other company, from what he's saying he felt embarrassed to admit his failures, to be honest, if you'd payed every penny you had into a company that you were due to be taking ownership, and then finding out because the owners am absolute w&@£er, you would you be able to admit what had happened? I'm not saying you should forgive him immediately, but think about what you would do in his situation?

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