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Travelled down to Hertfordshire, going to be staying near Ware for the next 2 weeks training to be a forklift driving instructor. I thought tackling the A14/A11 on a Sunday would be better than at 7am on a Monday!

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And was it ?? Experience has told me it's usually the same, just less Lorries on a Sunday 

for me, after swimming with the little ones, and family visits I managed an hour or two in the shed, back on the beet harvester,been to cold and wet recently to sit out there, even with the heater on, still on the fiddly bits ,ages,all the wheels/pulling on the lifter arm, remade the hydro oil tank, as my first was to small. While waiting for the tiny bits to set , as it's still to cold to paint the stuff already built ,  I started something else from a scrap uh 590 chassis I had, needs more work ,but it's getting there, bonnets reshaped ready, ,just need to fill the cut gap,and underside from the 4wd drive removal, may well have to scratch build the floor pan now, had hoped to use the 590 one,and just build the cab, but I am not happy with how it's looking so far, to narrow I think

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The frosty nights and dry days have dried the ground up nicely on most of our land which gave me chance to get the spreader out and shift some muck. I usually like the meadows covered by the end of January at the latest but the weather hasn't allowed that this year. 



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Using a Manitou to lift down a 1.5 tonne swing tail and 1 tonne dumper from a garden bank, which I am helping to prevent falling into a large brook. Having real problems with it this time so glad to off-hire the thing.

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1 hour ago, MadMark said:

Update from yesterday, got over 200 items priced and out on the rails for sale and  the end of the day sales figure was more than double than what had been took this week, not bad as there was only 2 of us there until 4pm time plus Wednesday normally a quite day as people go to Bury st Edmunds for market day. So today I'll be working back of shop tagging/ hanging and pricing clothing ready to be put out for the weekend.

Well done Mark nice to see you are keeping busy

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5 hours ago, MadMark said:

Thanks smithy, had another busy day, started at 7:45 had 3 bags of donations (bag holds about 35-45 bits of clothing) sorted, tagged, priced up and hung on hangers by 9:30 when my little helper came in, then by the time she left at 2:30 we'd done another 12 bags and put all the items out on rails in the shop ready for tomorrow. Then until 5pm I got all the stock rotation done for the out of date clothing ready for it to be sent to another shop.

Are you at the same shop as last year or have you moved to another one

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5 hours ago, MadMark said:

I'm at another from this time last year. I've been at this one since late November 2015. The shop wasn't doing to well so it got changed to a £1:99 or less shop in December and now one of the company's top shops in the region and being talked about area managers all over the country according to our area manager. The crew I work with is a good lot (except 1 but we won't go into that) and if we see something needs doing or a shelf or rail needs filling then we do it without the manager having to ask. I did get asked by another charity shop the other week to go and help them but turned them down because of their rip off prices. I'm happy where I am and have a good laugh with the crew and customers and made a lot of new friends.

You sum it up well in that you say you are happy where you are and have a good laugh and made new friends, sounds good to me not all jobs are like that

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