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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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36 minutes ago, Valley Axe Man said:

Looks to be a shortage of straps holding her on Cyril :ph34r:


My father was gone home to get them as I was only waiting on him to come back with the straps :) as I loaded it down the field .



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after my week off ,and despite the day and a half lost to bad weather and late deliveries, i hit my aim of having the decking relaid ,plus the path all sorted and re done, in-fact i am a bit ahead now as i also managed to start the path at the rear as well, mind you is near on killed me two of the days :D must remember i aint 21 any more, all being well by the end of the month i will have the last bit of path done, and the last two ton of soil sieved through  and mixed into the current decent soil and grass seed down.meaning time to sort the shed out at last inside ,will leave the fence and sleeper painting to her during the days shes not busy ,hell i may even get back to the ash tree layout rebuild   and some implement builds :D 

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not that far away from finishing the garden now, got the back path all sorted now, bar 3 bits of decking i need to pick up, and some edge finishing to do . then its soil to be levelled and grass seeded, and second coat wood staining, few other small bits to sort,but nothing major after that, bar her job, growing stuff :D .also managed to do some work on the uh 1250 that arrived today, will get some pics tomorrow, 

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Went on a road run Sunday raising money for the MND Assosiastion, very wet day got absolutely soaked and drove 45 miles on it, even got to drive through the centre of wells (or those not local and familiar with Hot Fuzz, Sandford ha ha!!) As well as up Cheddar gorge and back across the moors, cracking day despite weather. 89823080_10156557045641511_3809491315578634240_o.thumb.jpg.a290232066d0652e01cb4d18a89d3cac.jpg89833220_10156557045056511_5303557300798095360_o.thumb.jpg.8b0f728e5b5149e5fed120ad588b8c21.jpg

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just been to do our weekly shop, and got 1/8th of what we wanted, i have never seen a supermarket that empty, except from when they are being built, , frozen bit ,tinned  bit, baking bit, veg bit, dairy bit, pet bit, and of course bog roll bit, would prob be easier to say what wasn't empty, the chocolate and alcohol  bit .no idea where people are putting it, or what the hell they thinks going to happen ,but they should be ashamed. 

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12 minutes ago, Tractorman810 said:

just been to do our weekly shop, and got 1/8th of what we wanted, i have never seen a supermarket that empty, except from when they are being built, , frozen bit ,tinned  bit, baking bit, veg bit, dairy bit, pet bit, and of course bog roll bit, would prob be easier to say what wasn't empty, the chocolate and alcohol  bit .no idea where people are putting it, or what the hell they thinks going to happen ,but they should be ashamed. 

A rummor circulated on social media here on Sunday to say the country was going to go on total lockdown today...yeah ..they locked up the pubs alright for St Patrick's day ..thats about as bad as it got. Still the rumour caused alot off panic buying yesterday and shops shelves became empty for a while. People will be throwing out food next month and buying again . Such a waste, but it keeps the farmer going threw these hard times I guess.


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Just now, justy 46 said:

A rummor circulated on social media here on Sunday to say the country was going to go on total lockdown today...yeah ..they locked up the pubs alright for St Patrick's day ..thats about as bad as it got. Still the rumour caused alot off panic buying yesterday and shops shelves became empty for a while. People will be throwing out food next month and buying again . Such a waste, but it keeps the farmer going threw these hard times I guess.


in all honesty i suspect it wont be long till we do lock down ,works stopped taking orders for new service apparently and also slowed down the city fibre build, as we cant get the cable, now call me cynical, but we don't stop taking orders ,so i suspect they know something ,prob from the government in advance, to allow them to plan. we are all meant to be getting emails ,to match our jobs with regards what will happen in the event, like being on call and stuff as well, honestly ,i recon by next weekend tops it will happen.

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I think so as well Stan.My wife and 2 youngest haven't been outside the gate since last Friday morning except for i took them all down to Granny and Grandad this afternoon where we talked through the window for 15/20 mins.

What really struck me was the loneliness felt by all as my parents love the interaction with all their grandchildren and would have been hands on in babysitting when they were younger and now just take them off for shopping days out.My Dad is 86 and in recent years gets the odd bout of asthma attack (every 2 years or so)and mum nearly 80 and healthy but had a weakness last Saturday  and ended up in hospital for a good bit of the day so very worrying times.

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quick tip run first thing to get rid of some wood ect from the garden, followed by taking 20 slabs down to the stepdaughters and laying her a temp path to her chickens ,as its on a slope and like a skid pad where its just mud and so wet,  then back via b&q to het a second fork to start turning over the soil in the garden, however i got distracted by an offer .and spent a few quid more than i was going to, but hell was it worth it, an electric rotavator , reduced from 120 down to 50, 1 and a half hours after getting home inc having a bite to eat , i have blended in 2 tons of soil, and broken it down to pretty much ready to seed bar levelling now .and my backs fine . the gardens nearly hers to sort, and my new sheds mine to make stuff in at last . 


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finished a few bit off in the garden today, as it was the last day of my 4 days off, so back to work tomorrow, ,which is proving hard to do after the grand kids rang me and told me not to go, as they don't want me to get sick . certainly makes you think , has certainly left a lump in my throat .

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18 minutes ago, bluegreen said:

Boris has just locked the country down so unless your an essential worker you will be stuck at home with the rest of us:unsure:

Just seen them dont think my models be coming home from uk for long time ;)

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26 minutes ago, bluegreen said:

Boris has just locked the country down so unless your an essential worker you will be stuck at home with the rest of us:unsure:

i am classed as essential, i work for openreach, so got to keep the internet going , be interesting to see what happens though .got to go to yeovil tomorrow , but to meet 2 others so thats breaking the rules :D . the wife's not happy about it, doesn't like the risks and thinks i should be on call,for emergencies, and the rest can wait .not like many if any will want us coming into their homes, i suspect .

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