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Put in a bit of extra time at work and got a few rides on the pallet forks of the bobcat while moving around bags...god I hope the authorities didn't see  :D Don't know why I went in though honestly, as I am sick as a dog now  >:(

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Well... today I are bin mostly...

Visiting punters... and sitting at my desk... TRYING to look busy  ;D - If I keep tapping away on here everyone will think.... WOW.... that Mark doesn't half get some work done  ;)

Off out for a *** now... Oooo I hate working in a non-smoking environment  >:(

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oops been that busy i'm shouting still :D :D :D :D :D

sounds encouraging mate, if marky fails with the camera, give me a ring, i will happly drive up and bail you out mate, seriously,

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sounds encouraging mate, if marky fails with the camera, give me a ring, i will happly drive up and bail you out mate, seriously,

will do!!.....his life is on the line but he doesnt know that yet :D :D :D

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Yesterday was a busy one for me with a bit of topping in the village (pictures later hopefully), which would have been enough for the day, but when I was getting ready to come back yesterday afternoon, got a call from the shearer saying he wanted to come and knock off my odd's 'n' sod's of a flock ::), so we went through until dark and feeling it this morning. Now back to revising unfortunatly! :( :'( :'(

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Well.... for me.... It's Sunday..... work this afternoon... I am speaking to you from my desk... er... talking to you.... er.... typing then... if you are going to be pedantic....

You are so arguementetive you lot  ::)>:(

Anyway... then it's mums for tea (to get told off for something... not sure what yet... but at 40 years old I still get told off  ::) ) ... then home and I may well get my Fanny out... just for a once around the village to cheer me up  ;D

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Um yesterday i was extremely lucky, i was playing with my models and then 5 girls came round and asked if i wanted to go to a pool party because a few people dropped out so it was me and 5 girls in the pool and then today we all went for a walk and over the fields there were 2 police landrovers speeding around chasing motorbikes in the woods   :o :o And now sitting here reading my unreads  :)

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Um yesterday i was extremely lucky, i was playing with my models and then 5 girls came round and asked if i wanted to go to a pool party because a few people dropped out so it was me and 5 girls in the pool and then today we all went for a walk and over the fields there were 2 police landrovers speeding around chasing motorbikes in the woods   :o :o And now sitting here reading my unreads  :)

A tip from a "wise old man" if I may young master Nick...

Pull the birds BEFORE you get in the pool mate  ;):D :D :D

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Um yesterday i was extremely lucky, i was playing with my models and then 5 girls came round and asked if i wanted to go to a pool party because a few people dropped out so it was me and 5 girls in the pool and then today we all went for a walk and over the fields there were 2 police landrovers speeding around chasing motorbikes in the woods   :o :o And now sitting here reading my unreads  :)

Lucky g!t :D :D and where was your gf when this was happening ::) ::)

And you tried to tell me you weren't the playground gigalo ::):D :D ;)

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yesterday got married.....today well nothing out of the ordinary :D :D....yet :-\ :-\ :-\

on here, trip to Tesco, not much else ;D ;D ;D

just thought i'd add....added 81 posts so far to the topics :o :o :o....happy reading :D :D :D

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A tip from a "wise old man" if I may young master Nick...

Pull the birds BEFORE you get in the pool mate  ;):D :D :D

A few were pullable but i prefer my girlfriend, still was extremely fun. But my girlfriends in Florida  :( :( Spin the bottle was a laugh  :D :D

Oh shaddup Gav  :D I actually want to keep my name like this  8) 8)

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Got a start at the silage at long last up here  :) Was stuck on a JD 6920s instead of my usual steed the TS135A today hauling with a 14 tonner Herron wagon and have to say it was not  bad, as I am not the biggest fan of green and yellow tractors to start with. Took a while to get the hang of the gears or lack of them as was the case. It had the CVT style transmission which was great for following along beside the JD 7400 self propelled chopper. Also had the 50K road gear and air brakes too, very handy when you are belting along the highways and you come up to a junction you didn't know was there the first time you head along a strange road. Left some nice black marks on the tarmac and I am sure the car driver who was also on the road at the junction will have some marks in his underwear  :o  as I came rather close to not being able to stop in time at the junction, Don't loaders stick out too far in front as well  ;)  Hope to get going again tomorrow and get back to my own machine  :)

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Um yesterday i was extremely lucky, i was playing with my models and then 5 girls came round and asked if i wanted to go to a pool party because a few people dropped out so it was me and 5 girls in the pool and then today we all went for a walk and over the fields there were 2 police landrovers speeding around chasing motorbikes in the woods  :o :o And now sitting here reading my unreads  :)

Conjures up images of Staceys Mum, :o  Wasn't that Mc Fly? ::) Marky's right, pull the birds before you get in the water, especially if its cold. ;D Pulling birds when you come out of cold water.............  don't want bad publicity for Mr Winkie ;D:D
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