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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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I have been down marcus's with Mark and Sean, our other contender was absent due to Spalding tomorrow. Got load's done on the layout, all joined up together, as Sean says. ..  it is 20 odd feet long!!!!!!!!!! Looking fab though, really pleased with everyones efforts, especially Mark "Carpenter Extroadinaire". Callum and Thomas helped too and Mads kept us fed and watered. All in all it was a very constructive and enjoyable day. Roll on two weeks time  :)

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Just got home from Ilfracombe

Hope you that are going tommorow have an enjoyable day

Just watch out for the queue jumper ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)   You know who you are ;D


I've been up to Eye Green... had a meal with Mandy, Gavvers... Steve and Fat Bazza - who was VERY badly behaved...  :D :D

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Helped her Dad cut back all the dead wood in three big oak tree's over a road this morning, watched a fantastic RSA - Fiji rugby match, the Fijians losing was very unlucky I though as they didn't half make the Springboks sweat in the second half. Tremendous game!! Then went for a walk with the missus. Quick half a coke on the way back, uploaded and sorted a load of photo's to the laptop and then nodded off!!  :)

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Well how aobut this one then (not sure if this should go in Annoyed me today or Made me Laugh... so I'll pop it in here)

Two HM customs me came STORMING and I mean STORMING into the office... "we are acting on an anonymous tips off that you are using illegal fuel in your fleet of vehicles" ...

I laughed and gave him my fuel bills... my satelite tracking records.... fuel & mileage records... driver mileage logs... and told him to come and check all my vans whenever he liked... he checked the only one van I had in the carpark (DOH - the rest are out delivering) ... dipped Mrs F's Landy as well... and TRIED to leave...

NO WAY thinks I... I made him look at all my records... gave him a long speech on how my business worked... my customer base... my delivery area... - I don't think he will be bothering me again  :D :D - he couldn't get away quick enough  :D :D

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Well how aobut this one then (not sure if this should go in Annoyed me today or Made me Laugh... so I'll pop it in here)

Two HM customs me came STORMING and I mean STORMING into the office... "we are acting on an anonymous tips off that you are using illegal fuel in your fleet of vehicles" ...

I laughed and gave him my fuel bills... my satelite tracking records.... fuel & mileage records... driver mileage logs... and told him to come and check all my vans whenever he liked... he checked the only one van I had in the carpark (DOH - the rest are out delivering) ... dipped Mrs F's Landy as well... and TRIED to leave...

NO WAY thinks I... I made him look at all my records... gave him a long speech on how my business worked... my customer base... my delivery area... - I don't think he will be bothering me again  :D :D - he couldn't get away quick enough  :D :D

Sounds as if you have upset someone.  I went through something similar with the Inland Revenue many years ago.  Anonymous tip off about paying sales commission without deducting income tax.  Complete red herring but wasted a lot of time both theirs and mine.  We had a good idea who it was but could not prove it.

Last thing to do, though, in these circumstances is to lose your temper.  Just bite your tongue and smile or they will really take you apart (metaphorically speaking).  Giving them all the records is exactly what I would have done.

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Well how aobut this one then (not sure if this should go in Annoyed me today or Made me Laugh... so I'll pop it in here)

Two HM customs me came STORMING and I mean STORMING into the office... "we are acting on an anonymous tips off that you are using illegal fuel in your fleet of vehicles" ...

I laughed and gave him my fuel bills... my satelite tracking records.... fuel & mileage records... driver mileage logs... and told him to come and check all my vans whenever he liked... he checked the only one van I had in the carpark (DOH - the rest are out delivering) ... dipped Mrs F's Landy as well... and TRIED to leave...

NO WAY thinks I... I made him look at all my records... gave him a long speech on how my business worked... my customer base... my delivery area... - I don't think he will be bothering me again  :D :D - he couldn't get away quick enough  :D :D

barstewards!!! >:( >:(>:(,  so who have you upset then??

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Well how aobut this one then (not sure if this should go in Annoyed me today or Made me Laugh... so I'll pop it in here)

Two HM customs me came STORMING and I mean STORMING into the office... "we are acting on an anonymous tips off that you are using illegal fuel in your fleet of vehicles" ...

I laughed and gave him my fuel bills... my satelite tracking records.... fuel & mileage records... driver mileage logs... and told him to come and check all my vans whenever he liked... he checked the only one van I had in the carpark (DOH - the rest are out delivering) ... dipped Mrs F's Landy as well... and TRIED to leave...

NO WAY thinks I... I made him look at all my records... gave him a long speech on how my business worked... my customer base... my delivery area... - I don't think he will be bothering me again  :D :D - he couldn't get away quick enough  :D :D

Wow who have you upset Marky? Neighbours? >:(

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Well how aobut this one then (not sure if this should go in Annoyed me today or Made me Laugh... so I'll pop it in here)

Two HM customs me came STORMING and I mean STORMING into the office... "we are acting on an anonymous tips off that you are using illegal fuel in your fleet of vehicles" ...

I laughed and gave him my fuel bills... my satelite tracking records.... fuel & mileage records... driver mileage logs... and told him to come and check all my vans whenever he liked... he checked the only one van I had in the carpark (DOH - the rest are out delivering) ... dipped Mrs F's Landy as well... and TRIED to leave...

NO WAY thinks I... I made him look at all my records... gave him a long speech on how my business worked... my customer base... my delivery area... - I don't think he will be bothering me again  :D :D - he couldn't get away quick enough  :D :D

>:( Damn it  >:(

Plan B then  ;):D :D

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Who have I upset... it's there a maximum page length here  :D :D :D

Seriously... I was told directly by the ministry chap it was an anonymous tip off... and I recently had a tax investigation for the same reason...

I was just telling a good mate of mine that I am genuinely not upset about the whole thing... We are a government supplier... I have 5 LEA's (Local Education Authorities) I serve.. as well as some NHS work... I don;t handle cash in my business... And I run a straight business for that reason (I also have 2 co Directors and owners to satisfy... one of which is a sleeping partner)... so it makes me giggle when someone thinks they are putting the boot in me... I think the ministry guy was more cross than I was  :D :D

Would I like to know who it was.. yes obviously... so I could take the P out of them  ;D

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..... I think the ministry guy was more cross than I was  :D :D

Would I like to know who it was.. yes obviously... so I could take the P out of them  ;D

HMRC should think seriously about accepting anonymous reports and only acting when the tipster gives his/her name, address and is checked out.  If you call the police about anything the first thing they want is the number you are calling from and usually your address as well.  At least in my experience. 

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its still all the agro at the time of the visit though aint it mate, somebodys clearly got it in for ya if this is the second connected visit though aint they?

They have indeed mate... hey ho  :-\

HMRC should think seriously about accepting anonymous reports and only acting when the tipster gives his/her name, address and is checked out.  If you call the police about anything the first thing they want is the number you are calling from and usually your address as well.  At least in my experience. 

Yes indeed Susan... the same in my experience as well...  :-\
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