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building more tm 155 to stop paul from getting a monopoly on them in suffolk. :D :D :D

oh and getting very drunk at a christening too :D :D

You'll be a better man than me if you've got a stock of Britains 8560's/TM165's :D :D :D :D :D

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Traci and me met my Mum and her chap for breakfast in a cafe on the Kennet and Avon canal. Then we bought a punnet of this seasons first strawberries from a road side table - beautiful they were too, no messy juice just rich, dark red, mouth watering, sweet, sun ripened, yummy BRITISH (incase your reading this Mr Ramsey  ;) ) Strawberries.

Then watch something we taped last night. Came home, made my silage sides, did loads of spraying, stuck more tiles down. After that I went to my mates for a can of cider, a bbq and ended up with his new born in my lap for an hour  ::) came hom, made my sarnies for tomorrow and caught up with the goings on here.

Perfect  :)

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Back at work today :(

Yesterday I was looking at toppers (all rusted out though) and a bullock and heifers belonging to James F's brother - some will hopefully be ours at the end of the week once his herd test is done ;D

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travelled down to the big smoke for a cad course.....waste of time really, i didnt learn anything and its supposed to be for me and others in the new CAD software.....amazing what i picked up in 6 weeks in the new job!!!

on the bright side, fit blonde opposite me on the way down on the train.....and the way back  ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Shopping in Waitrose for half bottles of wine for best beloved.  He gave me a shopping list yesterday and Waitrose is the only place I know in Andover that does half bottles. 

Before anyone says it - no I am not being mean but he cannot drink a full bottle by himself and he ASKED for a collection of wines in small bottles so he can ring the changes. 

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