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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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How about. . . What are you doing a week Tuesday?

Or what about this one. . . What were you mean't to do today but didn't? :D :D

i'm sure that could show up as a new topic! ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)

maybe a 'whats the most pointless topic' topic :D :D :D

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Mounting Lilliput lambs, sheep, pigs, geese, horses and one or two wobbly figures; trying to cook dinner; all while watching the "Neverending Story". Then went on to tweaking the Lilliput Vale layout.

Dogs are waiting for their dinner, my fingers are sticky and I want a bath!

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today i had a go at ploughing with a JD 7530 ,found it a bit boring as the tractor does everything for you ie it trips the furrow press , then 2 secs later it lifts the plough ,then turns the plough over and then drops the plough back in the ground , i felt like it took the fun out of the job , give me my dads old JD 7810 any day

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Bin doing the weekly shop at Tesco's. Took my 29 year old motor home out for the occasion. Been tenpin bowling at Tunbridge Wells and went for a meal at a pub called The Nevill Crest and Gun, between Tunbridge Wells and Crowborough. I lost both games bowling and the meal was spot on, so a good day all round.  :)

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Been drilling the first of our winter barley today, 45 acres drilled in 9 hrs, leaves just over 30 acres left to drill now so unless I'm overhauling the spud harvester tomorrow it will all be drilled in another 24hrs :)

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Um. I want to start welding, but to be onest im nervous about getting ark eye, even through the mask :-[:-[

The chances are slim mate. Get a good mask and you will be safe. The normal safety specs will stop alot of it anyway. Just wont be able to see what your doing. YOur perfectly safe if you do everything properly

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its not that bad just feels like sand in yiur eyes, its welding with your sleves rolled up hurts more  :D

That I'll agree with Chris, 22 rods putting a cutting edge on a bucket whilst wearing a t-shirt........result strong bucket edge but very very sore arms ::):D

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That I'll agree with Chris, 22 rods putting a cutting edge on a bucket whilst wearing a t-shirt........result strong bucket edge but very very sore arms ::):D

o deery me  :D :D its all part of the fun which reminds me i have a few dividing gates to make for the cattle house

its always fun picking the pelling skin off your arm tho  :D

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The chances are slim mate. Get a good mask and you will be safe. The normal safety specs will stop alot of it anyway. Just wont be able to see what your doing. YOur perfectly safe if you do everything properly

Thanks Kris and cj, i think im just a wimp. Will have a go soon :) :)

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Last night I had another session finishing the boarding of half the loft to become the study.... tonight I will be taping and jointing, same again tomorrow night, decoration and flooring on Friday night, more decoration on Saturday and building [hopefully, finances permitting if I can buy the timber] the new workbenches.... so, anytime soon I will have a home for all my models and somewhere proper to work on them..... can't bloody wait!!!  ;D

The new study [or tractor room as I prefer to call it, although it is officially 'study' as one side will have a bench for Mrs H to run her Virgin View empire from....] is 3m long by 2.4m wide, walls up to 1m and then a sloping attic roof above that....it's very bijou but I've got a roof light over my bench so it will be lovely.... hopefully will be seeing lots of things happening there soon enough..... ;D

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