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Sad day today.....

My eldest is leaving for University today..so we have the long long trek to Sheffield later, will stay overnight before settling him down then driving back.

Also its my middle girl's 6th birthday today...madness

Is that Sheffield or Sheffield Hallam, Barry? My sister went to Sheffield and did a BSc in Zoology. Remember leaving her there, she was 18, I was 12. Balled my eyes out all the way home, we're very close. She looked tiny in the big concrete pre-fab halls, they were condemned and have long since gone.

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I have just boxed up all my models from their temporary store in my office ready for the move to their new home which HOPEFULLY I will get finished this weekend.... sooooo exciting!  ;D

That being said, when boxed up there seems to be rather a large quantity and I'm wondering whether the room will be big enough for them!  :D

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I have just boxed up all my models from their temporary store in my office ready for the move to their new home which HOPEFULLY I will get finished this weekend.... sooooo exciting!  ;D

That being said, when boxed up there seems to be rather a large quantity and I'm wondering whether the room will be big enough for them!  :D

It's looking doubtful mate. I'd off load a few if I were you ;)


Sssh. . . Did you hear that? I can hear a vulture . . . :D

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I had to work this morning which envolved delivering a Massey Ferguson to a certain Massey fan who does some loverly fruit and veg :D :D :D :D :D

Then this afternoon i've been building tractors foe Spalding i'm still seeing green and yellow ::) ::)::)

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Off to Exeter Collectors Fair with Old Massey ;D

Just looking around or having a stall?  I'm going as well, might see you there. Be at Farmer Ed's stall at precicely 12.00 noon I'll meet you there and say hello. Ed's Son is running his stall today.

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I had to work this morning which envolved delivering a Massey Ferguson to a certain Massey fan who does some loverly fruit and veg :D :D :D :D :D

Then this afternoon i've been building tractors foe Spalding i'm still seeing green and yellow ::) ::)::)

And what a model it is too.. I'm just waiting for the sun to come around to the back of my house... then you are going to be bombarded with pics - yes I know you have seen it... but... well... tough...  ;D:D :D :D :D

PDC... You are my hero  :-*:-* :-*:-* ;D

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Walked the dogs in glorious sunshine and then walked up to the barn at the end of the village to collect some straw to refurbish my tortoise's hibernation quarters.  (I do have permission).  I am hoping that by getting the straw now I will tempt providence and keep the good weather for a while as usually by the time I go straw gathering it has been cold, frosty and raining for days (anything new?) and the straw has to be dried off before I can use it.

Met the owner up there waiting for the grain trailers to arrive as they are still harvesting although hope to finish today.  Oats today but they are lying flat and worse have sprouted so are anchored by new roots.  I frightened the life out of the poor man who was sitting in his pick-up reading the paper when I arrived.  Well, I could hardly walk past him and blithely bag his straw without speaking, now could I?

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Just finished clearing up after cooking with Traci for parents 37th wedding anniversary. We did roast pork, roast spuds, honey glazed parsnips, carrots, runner beans and cheesy leaks. :) Our first roast dinner ;D

Fresh fruit salad next :)

Ooh, Tris,  you are making me feel extremely hungry and I only have  a spud, faggots and roast fennel in the over for my dinner.

Mind you went to the farmers market (where I got the proper faggots) and bought two venison shanks, and a muntjac haunch, stewing venison and chicken livers so I was spoiled for choice.  Faggots are best fresh so there really was no option. 

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