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Cabcraft made the cab for Mavis Matty.... they went out of business years ago... you can still get things like the glass... but items such as the door check straps and the wing mirror I THOUGHT were not available... I've now found them so I am chuffed as nuts really  ;D

aww right i get you now, thought you ment more stuff for frankies cab ::):D :D

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office xmas party last night......some people were really bad, bet they are in late today?! :D :D :D

Had ours on Saturday which was the contractors party but somehow I have managed to get myself invited to the BP staff christmas party as well, must know people in the right circles ::) ::)

Today because of the cold I am trying to avoid leaving the office at all costs. Moving back to my old office hopefully on friday when the site is handed to operations ;D ;D

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been on my diversity training today, pretty much bored to death,real correct answer to it all is " your in the wrong no matter what " yet another case of the minority running the rules over the majority  >:( >:(>:( >:(

then a lovley afternoon sat waiting for the gas board after the first box we tried to open in gunnislake had a 95% explosive gas reading, turn out the roads now shut as they have a fratcured 10" main out there, no wonders it smelt when we arrived :D :D

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Diversity training  ???::) I bet you loved that didn't you Sean  :D :D :D

We had an email come in from the local Camber of Commerce [Coc for short  ;)::):D] offering us a day at a diversity conference. I replied in lengthy fashion to ensure they were well aware of what I thought of it. I didn't know I had such bile and vitriol within me, however the mere suggestion of giving up a day and paying for the privilege of being told that we need to understand the specific needs of a one armed blind lesbian muslim in a wheelchair seemed to bring it all out of me.... if you ever need to understand why the economy and general common sense is going down the tubes, just sing up to go on one of these.....  ::)

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never been so fed up in my life, one good point was a guy got the instructor in a real twist, he was coloured, so my mate asked him why it was ok for say blacks to have a bt ethnic group, and *** / lesbian people the same thing, but its abusive for a white cornish person to have a simiualr group, also why does it all stem back to the slave trade some 20 or 30 generations from the actuall modern person, what effect does that have on them?? guy didnt know what to say or do, so much so he told us to take a break :D :D :D

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No... BUT... I've also ordered a better camera... this one is bluetooth and not cable wired  ;D

Anyone want a camera kit... one careful owner  :-[:D :D

i think you need to start researching what you buy rather than run down there naked to just get anything from Massey! :D :D :D

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Well today I have had to do some work again.

One of the guys went on leave yesterday and the workload he had has been put on someone else so he was being expected to look after 94 jobs by himself. So I have kindly taken 3 jobs off him ::)

Apart from that have been in meetings trying to get paperwork for jobs sorted.

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I'm trying to price 4 separate micro projects in one building so that the client can approve it today, place an order and get a pro-forma in before we knock off tomorrow lunch time for Christmas, so that they don't lose a pot of budget money before their year end on the 31st.... oh joy, especially when half of it is bespoke furniture and structural adaptation....

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Everyone knocking off for the christmas Break, I wish at present we are working on christmas day.

What a great time of year to be in the oil industry.

Its not only you Rob, I am working Christmas Day and I suspect that BGU might be as well  :-\ :-\ :-\

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