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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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just feeding the  cattle and calves cleaning out the shed and bedding them and marky i have to agree with you completely on the 3095 our 3085 beat the day light out of our case mxu 135 and the case has 45hp up on the mf the mf still pulls better and stops a full tanker of slurry far better  than the case

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It's a stunning day in Cornwall.

Digging the garden and my husband has just washed the greenhouse as only a real man can.

Cerin noticed a bumble bee covered in tiny mites - we did this: http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.uksafari.com/jpeg2/bumble5.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.uksafari.com/bumblebees3.htm&usg=__xb3u0ASxr-cDMkyPxeSFAKFt3zw=&h=169&w=200&sz=7&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=jlFjSEfYBlKtkM:&tbnh=88&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2522bumble%2Bbee%2Bmites%2522%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1

but it has not worked - we have decided to let nature take its course. Does every creature get parasites we wondered?

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been out on the bikes, only 8miles as she hasnt done much since Harry!.....or before really, parent shave the little monster until later

we were only aiming for about that ben, but it was such a nice day, that we ended up stopping several times and going a lot further, certainly hurting for it now mind :D :D legs are a little stiff to say the least

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Went to Mum's earlier for lunch then when I got home decided to break in my new rotorvator and get the veg garden ripped up, including a section of lawn I'd sprayed off. I've never rotorvated soil like this before, black, light stuff, the machine just buries itself in it, should grow some decent carrots and parsnips I reckon ;D

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Put grippy tyres on Hatsu, took it over to forestry and built a lod of steps for them down the steep bank, had a salvage through the rubbish the builders are throwing out (some good stuff to  ;D ) nothing then, knackered after being at work for 14 hours yesterday (8 til 11)  :D

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