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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Had the morning off then went in baling after lunch, got 30 acres done so all of ours is baled up now along with the headlands on a neighbours field.....then it poured down again :(

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:-[ After a nice dry morning planting 60 shrubs followed by covering of woodchips, the rain came. Hasn't let up since 11am. .

During the afternoon I stuck my right nose picking finger in the oscilating blades of a hedgetrimmer :-[

Forgive my ignorance tris but what is a nose picking finger?  ???

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My index finger, on my right hand. Missed the handle on the Echo hedgetrimmer when trimming the side of a hedge and caught in the blade which is similar in working to combine cutter bar or sickle bar mower. Luckily I wasn't fully revving but I was awfully close to losing the finger. Tracis Dad is a trained first aider and patched me up a treat but it isn't pretty, nasty slice job.

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My index finger, on my right hand. Missed the handle on the Echo hedgetrimmer when trimming the side of a hedge and caught in the blade which is similar in working to combine cutter bar or sickle bar mower. Luckily I wasn't fully revving but I was awfully close to losing the finger. Tracis Dad is a trained first aider and patched me up a treat but it isn't pretty, nasty slice job.

Ah yes gotta be careful with them reciprocating blades. (When you said nose picking finger I thought it was some sort of back hoe implement, I've been caught out here before :-[)

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My index finger, on my right hand. Missed the handle on the Echo hedgetrimmer when trimming the side of a hedge and caught in the blade which is similar in working to combine cutter bar or sickle bar mower. Luckily I wasn't fully revving but I was awfully close to losing the finger. Tracis Dad is a trained first aider and patched me up a treat but it isn't pretty, nasty slice job.

Tris!!!!!!!    Whatever next?  What with dropping hammers etc on your foot and now trying to amputate a finger you really should wear armour when handling tools - steel gauntlets and footwear at least.

Hope the finger gets better soon

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well it was yesterday really but we continued a yearly tradition and went off to the nantwich show, didnt get to try any cheese though because the tent was packed out due to rain, the big bunch of pansies :D this year i saw more people i knew than my dad usually does and that was a suprise :D

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you paid for things  :o never spent a penny all day ,free tickets to get in , free beer and hog roast in nantwich vets and beer in roberts fuel  +wfs ++++++ had about 10 pints +cans  and there was 4 mates with us ;D

me too kidda i ate enough yesterday to last me a week , just had fish and chips though ::)  i had some ale in nwf too and more to eat then wfs and roberts fuels and bowenses list go,s on  :D
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Tris!!!!!!!    Whatever next?  What with dropping hammers etc on your foot and now trying to amputate a finger you really should wear armour when handling tools - steel gauntlets and footwear at least.

Hope the finger gets better soon

Yeah especially this hand, I've crushed the end of the same finger and split the middle finger from top to bottom while lowering the hieght wheels on a McConnel topper. More recently, dropped log on the thumb ::) Now this. I am at work doing my best one handed, been raking/seeding grass at same housing project as yesterday. This afternoon, ride on mower so should be ok. What a prat though!

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Yeah especially this hand, I've crushed the end of the same finger and split the middle finger from top to bottom while lowering the hieght wheels on a McConnel topper. More recently, dropped log on the thumb ::) Now this. I am at work doing my best one handed, been raking/seeding grass at same housing project as yesterday. This afternoon, ride on mower so should be ok. What a prat though!

Tris, I do believe you are an accident waiting to happen!  At least you are the object of your accidents unlike a friend of mine whose accidents tend to happen to innocent bystanders! ::)

You MUST take more care though we can't have you ending up armless!

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Yeah especially this hand, I've crushed the end of the same finger and split the middle finger from top to bottom while lowering the hieght wheels on a McConnel topper. More recently, dropped log on the thumb ::) Now this. I am at work doing my best one handed, been raking/seeding grass at same housing project as yesterday. This afternoon, ride on mower so should be ok. What a prat though!

Tris you need to get a job in a cotton wool factory, by the sound of things ::)

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Well have been on nights since Tuesday well into the sleep pattern now. Busy as usual at work tonight  ::) ::) normal samples and other bits that need doing. Also trying to work out what to do with 2 tickets to see U2 in Glasgow in August as have now got a family commitment so that comes first.

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Well have been on nights since Tuesday well into the sleep pattern now. Busy as usual at work tonight  ::) ::) normal samples and other bits that need doing. Also trying to work out what to do with 2 tickets to see U2 in Glasgow in August as have now got a family commitment so that comes first.

what dates mate???

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