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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Have been repairing my water supply today. Pump stopped working yesterday and only found out by running out of water as the system is more or less sealed. Electrics kept tripping out the cut-out switches (fitted instead of fuses) so tried to call out the firm that installed it in 1984 (called out for maintenance and repairs many times but not often since) and discovered that they have gone bust. (bugger!) Found a local firm who came out and tested everything and discovered that the pump was 'going to earth' so had to pull up the pump from the borehole, which is 186 feet deep, put in a new pump and electric cable and then sort out the electrics by doing a fair ammount of re-wiring and a new switchbox/controler in the well-head. Got it all sorted now but took from 12.30 to about just after 3.30 to get it all up and running again. Not looking forward to the bill for it all, just told the chap to be kind and keep it as lean as he can.

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Well loads of things I need to get done this weekend at home after being away on jollies the past two

1. retune living room TV

2.set up new 37inch LCD

3. Move living room TV to bedroom

4.Load product key for Microsoft office to notebook

5. Phone and get assistance from Costco florida to get my wireless connection back up

6. Roast a gammon

Oh and although it rainy dad is coming accross so may well have to him set the saw etc for bevelling wood for the shed doors

Oh my car needs a proper hand wash and hoover since it hasnt been done the last two weekends

In a funny way I'll be glad it's Monday and get back to work for a rest ;D ;D

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taking her mum to get her hair cut, then its bedroom time, new ceiling going up today, along with time allowing the coving, and all the filler ect, then tommorrow i am round my bro's to help him put his new one back up, no coving there, then back to mine to carry on the sanding ect started, hopefully with tues off i can get all 3 paint walls and the ceiling all finished leaving me the wallpaper to be done on no4 wall

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Well loads of things I need to get done this weekend at home after being away on jollies the past two

1. retune living room TV

2.set up new 37inch LCD

3. Move living room TV to bedroom

4.Load product key for Microsoft office to notebook

5. Phone and get assistance from Costco florida to get my wireless connection back up

6. Roast a gammon

Oh and although it rainy dad is coming accross so may well have to him set the saw etc for bevelling wood for the shed doors

Oh my car needs a proper hand wash and hoover since it hasnt been done the last two weekends

In a funny way I'll be glad it's Monday and get back to work for a rest ;D ;D

Well today has went well with 1 to 6 accomplished and only need to carve the gammon which I like doing as you can have a nibble as you work.

The wireless think took so time and costco in Florida didn't have much of a clue. I then suggested Toshiba and we had a three way conversation between Florida England and Scotland. they could hear me ok but I could not hear the English girl very well because of interference on the line, I knew from the start the English girl didn't have much of a clue so they she said she could dail in. Excellent i thought but we neede to get rid of Florida interference first. well she hung up and we all got cut off. I expected Tohiba England to call back but she did not. Anyway I called back and got a chap how had encountered the problem and it was something about security settings and only BT could fix. I phoned BT and a got a very helpful chap who dialled in and fixed me. Fingers crossed I will not loose the wireless connection again.

Ws going to jet wash car but dad going in and out of garage with the linings for the shed doors so better keep the car out of his reach. A job for tomorrow.

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today I are bin mostly... messing about on Hattie... sitting hee wondering if I should go to work and mess about on Mavis next... I'm in a tractory mood today for some reason  :-\

Mrs F wants me to build her new chimeniea thingy for the garden... I reckon I should make myself look busy  :D :D :D

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I have just got back from Running our canterbury Kidzklub which we run for the less fortunate kidz of the estates around Canterbury we are a Charity which is made up of 7 local churches who run it.

I have been involved in the running for 8 years now and I am a Trustee to,

My main jobs are Bus manager sorting out collection and safe delivery home for 250 children who regullary come to kidzklub.

It is totally free we are all volunteers who run it. Every saturday 8 am to 1pm throughour School termtime.

Its good to see so many kidz off the street enjoying there selves.


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Full day of potato harvesting, best day we've ever had, our two trailers and an extra hired in one due to a 8 mile round trip to the store, about 8-9 acres cleared, should finish that field tomorrow :)

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you on track then paul or got ahead a bit ready

I'm getting there now Sean ;) I had yesterday off work and with no distractions I got alot done...mind you could have done more if i'd of kept away from the TV ::) Discovery Channell :D :D

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you on track then paul or got ahead a bit ready

Just looked in the cabinet mate (where I store completed models now so that don't get dusty before boxing up)

Since yesterday morning i've built 3 x JD 3130's, 2 x MF 4255's and 5 x MF 6150's :o :o

And on the workbench dring I have all the parts sprayed for 5 x MF 699's and 5 x JF forage harvesters :o

With what's left in the stock box and on my to do list i'll be at the models untill Saturday when I leave for Toytrac :D :D

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