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just back from the bike ride, modest 20 miles today, feeling a little tired for some reason, before i left ,bit worse now mind :D :D ,bit of housework in a mo, then with luck, i may start the competition entry later, cut the first side pannels etc for the main body

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Spent the evening re-jigging my MF brochures... every now and again they need moving to bigger folders as my collection grows.  Still got some to scan that I picked up at Spalding  :-[ :'(  ... I hate doing it... but having done pretty much all of my collection to date I just cannot stop now

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I went to 2 car boot sales today, and bought a few good books cheap, including:

2 books of the scripts of Fawlty Towers

Robert Rankin's comic novel 'The DA-DA-DE-DA-DA CODE' (no prizes for guessing what that's a spoof of)

A biography of Eva Braun (very briefly 'Mrs Hitler')

'The Great Unfrocked' by well known columnist & ex-MP, Matthew Parris (history of church scandals)

and the one I've started reading first, 'A Way of Life', an autobiography by Reg Kray (as in Reggie & Ronnie Kray) covering his years in prison. Fascinating but grim.

A couple of weeks ago I bought another fascinating book, 'The Nazi Connection', an autobiography by F.W.Winterbotham of his years as a British spy in pre-war Germany trying to keep track of the build up of the Luftwaffe. Group Captain Winterbotham is perhaps better known for his earlier book, 'The Ultra Secret', the first of the books published about the WW2 decoding at Bletchley Park - a subject I've been reading about for years because my mum was there. 

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Spent the evening re-jigging my MF brochures... every now and again they need moving to bigger folders as my collection grows.  Still got some to scan that I picked up at Spalding  :-[ :'(  ... I hate doing it... but having done pretty much all of my collection to date I just cannot stop now

I feel your pain mate - but it is very rewarding when you see the final result!

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My Brother and I have got the thatcher in completeley re-thatching our houses, he's been here almost 2 weeks now and has reached ridge level on Brothers rear of roof. Today I've been up with the thatcher stripping the front from both houses. I've been taking some pics so I'll soon start posting them in a seperate topic as there will be a lot to put up.

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My Brother and I have got the thatcher in completeley re-thatching our houses, he's been here almost 2 weeks now and has reached ridge level on Brothers rear of roof. Today I've been up with the thatcher stripping the front from both houses. I've been taking some pictures so I'll soon start posting them in a seperate topic as there will be a lot to put up.

Can't wait to see the photos's Tim. I watched the Monty Don series recently about crafts-people and thatching looked SO HARD! I bet it's wonderful to see your own gaff being done - a total transformation. When was it last done?

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The programme in the series on thatching with Monty Don was in Norfolk and in that part of the country the method is somewhat different and would not come up to the standard of my thatcher, we were only talking about this t'other day. It's quite straight forward really and not rocket science but there is an art to it and getting the base coat and eaves right is the main thing and the ridge is about the most important part. Anyway, before I say too much about it I'll go off and start downloading some of the pictures for the topic I'll start on it.

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today I are bin mostly...





It's that time of year now when all my customers.. old and new  :P:-*  .. want to get cleared up before the big event  :P  . will have filled my third lorry load by tomorrow I reckon (66 bales per artic truck)  :of

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today I are bin mostly...





It's that time of year now when all my customers.. old and new  :P:-*  .. want to get cleared up before the big event  :P  . will have filled my third lorry load by tomorrow I reckon (66 bales per artic truck)  :of

Think you need to listen to the Saw Doctors - Hay! song ;D

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Had a little go on the 785 and Haybob (supervised as I haven't used a pto for over a year and my first time on the 'bob), the last turn before final row up, and later hitched a ride on 995 doing the same at another site. At some point I'll create my own photo/video thread for this.

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