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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Been offline for a while and what a lot of unreads!

Spent most of the day updating the software business website and trying to get the logo to appear as an icon  in the address bar and on the tab header.  Wonders of the Internet - I finally found what I needed but had to view various websites to get the full picture  :laugh: :laugh: . Talk about giving only part of the answer!

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Today I was planning doing some work in the garden but the rain is now on >:( >:(

My plans were to fix the sweet fence and tie then up. Then planned to start taking out the track for the power from the new shed to the Farmall A shed but I be blow ed if I donning oil skins to do it. May well apply some lawn feed and moss killer to the lawns since it looking as though it needs perking up and if the rain continues it will help dissolve it in.

Side door is still off garage and the plan was for dad to hang it up again and then get it butinoxed but again that will have to wait until a drier time.

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we are getting all the vintage tractors & implements out & washed to go to Cumbria Steam Rally next week 2 x mf 35s a 135 & a 65 , 3x mf cutterbar mowers(all different) & a massey harris 701baler with the Standard petrol / tvo engine

Can we have some pictures please Steve ??? ???

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just spent all day in a 12 to 18" void under her mothers house rewiring the ring main, after we lifted a floor board to get a bit of slack on a cable to refit a  socket after the plaster had done  and found the ring main was actually cut, a jcn box added with 2 spurs to 2 more jcn boxes, then all 8 douyble  sockets in the front room / dining room were run of them ,very very dodgy to say the least, coated in grit and mess and very very hot, only one way in to,

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How ever did you fit your not inconsiderable bulk into that size gap mate :of:P;D ;D ;D ;D

I can only suspect mind over matter Gav ;) ;)

I remember my combined plumber, electrician and heating engineer saying he once got stuck under a house after crawling below the foundations....the only way he got out was after the panic st in was to relax and the body contracted and he was able to get out ;) ;)

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you would be surprised how small a gap i can get in and out of, try doing my job for a while and you would soon find your limits :D :D :D , only one real tight spot, that was prob 8" deep, but i was able to get close enough to reach out my arm for that wire part,  that was a little tight, infact i think she thought i was stuck to be honest the struggle i had to get the cable and arm round to the point i needed in that tight a space, almost double jointed arm needed

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Talking of wiring and tight spaces, did you know that the British aircraft building companies right up to the 1990's used ferrets to take wiring through the trunking?

If your man Bill was a combined sparky, plumber and heating engineer then he must have been as big as three men. I am one of three as well, me, myself and I.  ;)

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The waterboard that was Sean used a similar sort of thing to clean out the feed pipe from Fernworthy reservoir to the Tottiford and Trenchford reservoirs beside me, it was a sort of 'torpedo' scraper that was propelled by the water pressure behind it, open up the vent valves so far apart along the length of the pipeline and as this thing passed it would send up a spout of water through each valve together with the crap, travelled at around 90mph and was all done by gravity.

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we do that with a compressor on the rodder wagon, 1 plastic bag,2 bits of sub duct ( 1 " pipe) and a duct seal,  let the compressor build up, then fire, can rope a 500 m section in arround 30 seconds if that doing it that way, but highly wrong in bt eyes, not safe ;D ;D ;D ;D  so its a secret quick ropeing usage for us

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Perhaps he's waiting to pick the blackberries!

Been installing the flue system for the AGA today. It's up and running but still have to put another pipe on the outside stack and make up another wall bracket to stabalize the height and has to be a lot stronger than the crappy brackets that were supplied but then, nothing is perfect without a little tweaking. Anyway, the AGA is now going again and all seems to be working ok, touch wood.

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Unpacking and constructing a sofa bed. The man who delivered it was a bit hacked off after he ran his 7.5 tonne truck into the verge, breaking the just-repaired cab steps. He also managed to clip numerous low hanging boughs along our drive and was lucky not to collide with anything else. We tried to tell the sofa sellers that a 3-4 tonne van was required for our narrow steep lanes but they seem determined to send pallet delivery companies whose smallest vehicles are 7.5T gross ::) The guy said that when he complained to his boss, he was told that he can always go on the dole if he didn't like his working conditions! What an attitude.

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Finishing of the final tweaks and fitting another support bracket on the flue for the AGA ouside the house all morning, helping the thatcher and tidying up this afternoon and later had a very long and interesting phone conversation with the Director of Channel 4's archalogical programme 'Time Team'. More on this later.

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Finishing of the final tweaks and fitting another support bracket on the flue for the AGA ouside the house all morning, helping the thatcher and tidying up this afternoon and later had a very long and interesting phone conversation with the Director of Channel 4's archalogical programme 'Time Team'. More on this later.

similair to your post tim,tomorrow night channel 5,the hotel inspector,i decorated one of the rooms,so might be on the telly,although i think the room will feature more than me!!!!!!
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Finishing of the final tweaks and fitting another support bracket on the flue for the AGA ouside the house all morning, helping the thatcher and tidying up this afternoon and later had a very long and interesting phone conversation with the Director of Channel 4's archalogical programme 'Time Team'. More on this later.

mmmm this could be intresting, are they going to try and find your bathroom tim?? outside toilet thats grown over???? know what you dartmoor types are like afterall ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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